I Was Wrong I Admit

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His nose was bleeding. It hurt really bad.

"You need to practice more!" The coach yelled at him.

"I will, I will I'm sorry" Calum said picking up the bloody soccer ball. It had hit him square in the nose.

"Get out of here Hood and come back when you can block in goal" the coach said not approving of his behavior today at practice.

Calum blinked, still dizzy from the collision "yes sir" he said and walked off the field. His eyes started to fill with tears "not here you don't" he said to himself sniffing up and blinking them away.

"Hey Cal, don't let coach get to your head. You're great at football" his team mate said patting his back as he opened the field gate.

"Thanks" Calum whispered trying to ovoid talking with his shaky voice.

Michael was walking out of the school doors carrying his backpack in his hands. He looked over at Calum and laughed.

Calum looked down.

"Hey! You still mad I beat you up this time?" Michael teased as he walked closer.

Calum shook his head no but continued to look at the ground.

"Oh I see, since you're a big popular jock you can't look at me"

"No" Calum said "why are you carrying your backpack?"

His voice was shaky. It confused Michael "some of your friends thought it be funny to cut the straps off"

"I'm sorry mate" Calum said "I'm so sorry for all the times I beat you up" he looked up. His eyes were glassy and he held a bloody towel to his nose.

Michael stepped back shocked.

"I really am"

Calum did something strange. He cried "uh whoa whoa hey it's okay" Michael said awkwardly.

"No no it's not! I'm a jerk! And a bully! I hate myself"

"Don't hate yourself, you can be cool sometimes...I guess.." Michael talked calmly but he was confused and kind of scared about what was happening.

"Thanks" he sniffled "you deserve Delilah a lot more than me"

Michael looked around awkwardly.

"Hey look, I regret everything I did to you. I only did it because honestly I'm jealous of you..." Calum confessed.

"Of me!?" Michael asked shocked.

"Yeah, you play guitar and sing, it's cool..my parents don't really support the musical thing so I just play football"

"And that's not cool? Every girl in school has a crush on you!"

"Not every girl, not the only one I ever want to be with. She dumped me..I don't blame her either I mean I-" Calum stopped in his words "I hit her" he choked out.

"Not going to lie this is awkward" Michael admitted.

"Yeah I know, anyways the point is I'm sorry and I'll just leave you alone from now on" Calum said and walked to the parking lot where his mom sat in the car.

All this time I thought he was a jerk...he still was but at least I know why and he actually has feelings... I was wrong I admit Michael thought to himself as Calum walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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