Golden Chandelier

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Oswald's POV
I awoke to see Daisy sewing my suit back together, I called out to her. She put the last knot in the thread and laid down beside me than we both fell asleep. In the morning Daisy called Caroline to tell her she wouldn't be in till a little after 9am. I sat up and seen that Daisy fixed my hand and she stitched my face. I smiled with joy after this one small act of kindness I knew she would always be there for me and I knew I picked the right person to marry. Daisy brought over pancakes and orange juice and sat beside me. She asked if everything was alright at work and instead of lying I told her the truth and I told her what happened and what happens now. She smiled at me and told me it will all work out in the end she also told me to be careful that this fight won't be over soon. I got a call from Dal comb right hand man Frankie , asking to meet for lunch I agree than drive Daisy to the bakery. As she's getting out of the car I tell her I'll be here by 7pm sharp to show her a very special surprise. I go to lunch and everything seems to be fine when the phone rings. Frankie excuses himself for the call and I was left at the table with a little bit of worry. The previous night was the night me and a few other gentlemen were attacked with a small bomb, everyone only had minor injuries but since I was closer I got cut a little bit deeper. The other men and I all worked for Dal comb we were all on the same level but deep down inside we all wanted to replace Dal comb. Without anyone else knowing I secretly worked on other little projects with Dal comb, I had secretly become Dal combs right and left hand man. During the attack I was in and out of consciousness and may have let that slipped. Frankie confronted me when I woke up but of course I lied. After a good 5minute phone call Frankie returns to the table and tells me we have some work to do with some guy. We had to be in the car for a good 45 minutes now we were in the middle of no where. I started asking question after question. I knew when the car stopped that Frankie was going to kill me. He was 2x my size and I could never outrun him. We stopped at a cabin and we both went in. He told me that fish called him and told him everything about dal comb and there was no work with some guy it was all just a set up. I was freaking out and couldn't believe this was how it was going to end. He said he was going to grab some firewood and he would be back in a moment. With no where to run I grabbed a gun and hid it in my pants so when he returned I could just drive away. When he did return I commanded him to sit and handover the keys but instead he said go ahead and shoot me because the gun is full of blanks I shot the gun over and over again but no bullet came out. Frankie stood up and punched me right in the face. I woke up to being in the front seat of a broken car. Confused I looked around to realize I was in a scrap yard actually I was in the car crusher. The doors wouldn't open as the machine turned on, closer and closer it got. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and filed the number on the billboard for "Dave's scrapyard" the man answered the phone and I threatened him to stop the machine immediately or Dal comb will kill him. I continued to yell at him that it's a big mistake. By now the top of the car was caving in when it finically stopped Frankie ran up to the guy controlling the machine to tell him to keep going. When I seen my chance I tried to run as fast as I could. It wasn't very fast but I got out of there and called a taxi. The taxi brought me back to the restaurant I got in my car and sped over to pick up Daisy. She got in the car and I told her everything that happened and that I'd like to show her the surprise now. She was very taken back and asked if we needed to leave I told her we can hide out for a while but first the surprise. I drove all the way to fish's nightclub. A few nights prior Dal comb was suppose to kill fish but it looks like she got away. But anyway as a present Dal comb gave me the night club. Daisy and I walked in. She was surprised to see how beautiful it was including the big golden chandelier. Daisy was in love. And I couldn't be any happier. Just seeing her face let me lose track of time and helped me forget what was happening outside the night club.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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