Winter takes a toll

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Daisy's POV
As the heat from the sun disappears, Colder and colder everyday. The flowers die and so do the people around us. I awake to a chill, freezing my nose. I jump up and make everyone some breakfast, pancakes and eggs will do for now. Lorraine enters the kitchen as I offer to make her some tea she holds and complains about her chest being in pain. Whenever she is hurt I feel it too, I fell like she's my last family member. After breakfast I comfort her the best that I can and hop into the shower. Today I decided to head out to buy winter boots and a jacket. Before I leave I ask Lorraine if she would like anything but she said she's fine for now. I walk down to the closest mall and begin to browse. I ended up picking out a coat and a few groceries. As I'm walking down the street I get a call from Oswald, he was in a panic and he was stuttering to the point where I couldn't understand him what so ever. After a minute has gone by and he finally catches his breath and blurts out that he's been trying to reach his mother for the past 30 minutes and nothing. I tell him that I'm on my way home and there is probably a reason why she's not answering. I hurried up the street and ran to our apartment, opened the door and called out for Lorraine. But there was no answer . I quickly put the bags in the kitchen and run around the apartment looking for her. As I walk towards her room at the end of the hallway I see two feet laying on the ground. Tears fall from my face as I run up to her screaming her name hoping she would just get up. She was ice cold with no pulse. I couldn't move or breathe I had no clue what to do. I choked on my tears as I dialled 9-1-1 and begged for help. It felt like hours before I could hear sirens. It felt like time had slowed down. For a second I thought they were just drinking coffee and taking a break before coming to the door. I heard a loud knock and someone yelled out "police can we come in?" I ran to the door and unlocked it. I couldn't seem to form words so I just pointed to her room and collapsed to the ground with my hands covering my eyes. The police announced to his back-up that she was dead. He got up and walked over to me beginning with "I'm sorry for your loss" and " Is there anyone I can call for you" I fall down on to the couch and call Oswald. He answered the phone and begged for an answer but I couldn't say anything. I handed the phone over to the police officer as he explained what had happened. Before Oswald could get home a few police officers and morgue technicians arrived. Putting Lorraine in a big and thick black bag than carrying her away to the van in the parking lot. Another police officer came to talk to me about the possible cause of death. I told the police officer she was experiencing chest pain but said she was fine before I left. The police officer said that she probably died from a heart attack, at her age it wasn't uncommon giving the fact of her previous heart attack 6 years ago. Finally Oswald shows up in tears. As he runs over to hug me. He asks where is she? and what happened? And what happens now? I never even thought about what happens after this or even how do we move on from this. An hour later all the police leave and the apartment had never seemed so empty. We didn't know what to do with ourself. I than put the groceries away and made Oswald tea and a sandwich but no surprise he didn't eat it. We ended up going to bed and just crying trying to comfort each other, more of me trying to comfort him than me cause it was his mother. I don't know how but we both managed to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the whole night. I let him sleep in as I did some cleaning and started cooking him a cheese grill for brunch cause they were his favourite. He soon got out of bed and hugged me while I cooked. I knew this would be hard to overcome but we will get through it together. He said he wasn't hungry but I knew he was so I told him to just go and eat. I went to go get the paper and any other bills that would have come. As I opened the door looked down to see a fruit basket at my feet. I brought it inside and set it in front of Oswald and watched as he opened it. He read the card out loud " sorry for you loss." His eyes widened as he got up an ran for his shoes and went to go open the door as I passed him his keys and asked him what was wrong?he kissed me and said " I'll explain later" and he ran out the door. I didn't understand what the deal was so I went back to read who the card was from. There was no name just the picture of a fish. That it hit me Oswald was telling me the day we met up again that he worked for someone named fish that now wanted him dead and she thought he was dead. I have no Idea what happens now that she knows he's alive. Does this put me and him in danger? If so how severe will this be? I know Oswald is now at the point where he won't be able to take much more for a while.

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