New day New struggle

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Daisy's POV
Oswald kindly helped bring my things into the bakery. Corallines face lit up like Christmas lights. Her smile gave me warmth that I don't often feel. Oswald and Coralline started talking well I set up in the back. I had so many great ideas I couldn't wait to get started. As I came back from my thoughts I seen someone going through the bags. I walk up to him and ask what he's doing. He looked up and ran away. I ran after him to see him wrapped in Corallines arms. He looked like he was around the age of five. I slowly walked up to them as I apologized to the little boy right away. Coralline looked at me and said "I see you met my son, Thatcher." I felt so bad that I scared him so I asked him if he wanted to help me make some sweets for the bakery. I seen he wasn't too sure of me so my goal was to befriend him and get him trust me. Oswald left for work as I went around back with Coralline and Thatcher. I started out teaching the both of them what every bakery has, cake and cupcakes! I showed them different filling recipes and icing flavours. While Coralline was finishing the cupcakes me and Thatcher made eleven different pastries. By 10am we were ready to open. There were a handful of people at the door waiting. I opened the door with the biggest smile on my face welcoming the very first customers. Deep inside I was praying that there would be more customers by lunch. Me and Thatcher left Coralline to run the front while we kept baking. An hour later Coralline came running into the back freaking out that we needed more of everything and that the store was filling up like crazy. I was so happy but felt the pressure so I pulled out all the pie and cookie doughs I pre-made and went to work. In 30 minutes 20 batches of cookies were in the oven and so were 15 pies. I whipped up a few cakes and cupcakes while waiting for the pies and cookies. An hour later the shelves were filled so me and Thatcher continued. It only felt like an hour but it was actually 7. Thatcher and I stopped baking and just made doughs and packaged them so there ready to bake in the morning. Coralline came around back to tell us that the store was officially closed And was a huge success. She came over and gave me a big hug. I felt so good to be helping her and her son. I cleaned up than checked the time it was almost 10 by the time I was leaving. I called Oswald but no answer. I immediately assumed he had extra work to complete so I walked home. When I got home I was so tired I made tacos and left a plate full for Oswald. By 12am I got a little worried about him so I called his phone again but still no answer. I decided to get ready for bed and eventually passed out as soon as I laid down. At 3am I was awoken by a loud bang it scared me shitless. I got up and seen Oswald was still not home. I grabbed the baseball bat from my closet and slowly walked towards the living room when I seen Oswald laying on the floor. He knocked the lamp off the stand when he collapsed I ran to his side and rolled him onto his back. His hands were burned and his face was cut... Deep cuts about 1-2 inches deep each. I wasn't freaked out at all I ran to the kitchen and got a bucket of warm water and to the bathroom and got rubbing alcohol, face cloths, towels, a needle, cotton swabs and fishing wire from the closet. I started by cleaning his wounds on his face and hands. I than filled a container with alcohol and put the fishing wire into the container. After I cleaned out the blood and glass from his face I strung the wire onto the needle and tied a knot at the end. I started at the top and stitched his forehead back together I tied a knot when I was done and cut. I repeated this process for the other two cuts on his face. I than took care of the burn on his hand. I took his suit off and dragged him over too the couch. I got him to drink lots of water but still didn't wake up. I cleaned and sewed the tears in his suit. 45mins later he opened his eyes and called out for me. I instantly ran to his side asking if he needed anything. He looked at me and just kissed me. I didn't bother asking what happend I just told him to go to sleep and to explain tomorrow. We fell asleep together on the couch. I began to realize that every new day comes with new struggles and there's no way to avoid it, complications are apart of life and if Oswald goes back to this job than I'll support him no matter how bad he gets hurt I will always be right beside him helping him through it all because there's no way to avoid my love for Oswald.

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