First off: bird

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Gotta love him

Full Name : Malory "Comet" DeRose-Neves

Malory means "ill-fated" This name was the only thing his parent ever gave him.

He can only really fly at dusk and dawn (due to Hunters being on the prowl more during the day and night), and the gleam from his wings and talons when he flies reminded his adopted mom of a comet so she gave him the nickname Comet.

DeRose, meaning One with a Rosy Complexion, is his adopted Mother's surname, so he's temporarily keeping it until he gets his original one back. His original Surname is Neves, meaning Snow, as that was the weather when his clan first formed centuries ago.

He likes his name, despite the meaning.

Height: 11ft

Age: 21 years old

Birthday: February 20th, 5037, he is a Pisces

Appearance: He has onyx eyes that turn silver when his adrenaline spikes, with silvery hair that reaches his shoulders. He's got a lean, slightly muscular build.

Favorite Season: Winter, loves to jump in the snow, though he can't last long without his entire body freezing due to lack of winter clothes his size

Backstory (VERY LONG)

Because of the Fourth Guardian, he was born with the limbs of his animal, the Harpy Eagle. His family instantly saw his existence as pointless as he couldn't shift between human or animal,  therefore being useless in the upcoming war.

They intended on killing him, but his parents fought their hardest for him to be spared. He was exiled from the kingdom as a newborn, given to a close friend of his mother to raise.

He grew up knowing of his family and what they had done, but never went to confront them despite knowing where they lived. Malory knows he has siblings, though half blooded, and wants nothing more than to let them know he exists and is present for them. He knows how harsh the family traditions are and wishes to eventually take back his birthright and change their cruel ways.

Love Interests: None at the moment; Though if there was anyone that had a close chance, it would be either Madison or Akrosa

He is aware of beauty standards and accepts that fact that he doesn't have much of a chance with anyone due to his body being the way that it is. There have been many occasions where people have fetishized his body and now he believes that anyone that genuinely likes him is only with him for the experience of dating a deformed being.

Hobbies: He absolutely LOVES to paint. Ever since he learned how to hold a brush with his talons, it's been difficult for his adopted mom to find a paper that hasn't been coated with paint. Malory is pretty good at painting now, and even learned to write! He can even write in cursive now.

Love Language: Quality Time and words of affirmation.

Due to growing up with his mother always out protecting other Shifters, he was often alone in their little home in the jungle. So if there was someone who gave their time to him without making him feel bad he'd get attached.

As much as Malory loves his adopted mom, she absolutely SUCKS as showing affection through actions, so she shows her love and appreciation for him with words. Malory grew up recognizing love over little things like well-intended nicknames or people preferring his company.

Music: Malory would listen to Pink Pantheress idk what y'all on

Deepest Fear: Failure to be what fate destined him to be.

Sexual Activity: no

Mode of Transportation: himself

Random: If there were a single flower that represents him, it would be Aster.

He has killed before, many times, all out of self-defense. He doesn't like to kill, but will do it with no complaint if it was his very last option.

He knows everything about every Guardian that has existed as of now. If someone mentions the smallest thing, he will blurt out something about a Guardian related to that topic.

(ex: someone talks about pickles, Malory speaks up "Pickles would make the Second Guardian gassy, so she would eat tons of them before bed as a defense mechanism against assassins.")

The only reason this happens is because of the Fourth Guardian

Next is Akrosa

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