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Love him, friggin boomer

(To the left is his lovely soulmate, Fang!)

Full Name: Uraeus Venenum

Uraeus is referenced to the sacred serpent in the headresses of Egyptian deities, it is a symbol of supreme power.

Venenum is the latin word for poison, as both sides of his family are poison experts and users. It's also a reference to their toxic parental behaviors 😒

Height: 6'4 ft

Age: 4997 years and 11 months

Birthday: June 24th, XX69, he's a Cancer

Appearance: He used to have light brown hair before turning immortal, now it's dark reddish. His eyes are a shade of aquamarine, and his eyelashes are very long. Uraeus has a rather muscular body, but he hides the muscle well. Uraeus wears pirate themed clothing for the heck of it, and he makes it look good.

Favorite season: Winter, cuz sometimes ya just need to dunk a fat ball o' snow on your wife's head for the thrill of it.


Uraeus was one of the first hybrids in history, and while this was seen as taboo, it didn't stop him from living his life. He grew up as a social and funny child and made many friends despite living in a harmful home.

He was disowned at 14 after leading a riot for hybrid rights, and became a popular street teen. Uraeus was still able to attend school, though he wasn't able to learn as much as the average student due to his family background.

Then he got sick at 17.

Uraeus was only half jellyfish shifter, so he wasn't able to completely control the jellyfish venom within him. His J.F. essence went haywire, and made him lose control of his King Cobra venom.

He then had both venoms running through his system. The J.F. and K.C. essence within him were barely able to hold it off until the First Guardian saved him.

With the help of the First Guardian, his jellyfish essence was extracted and infused into a ring before it could kill him. The reason for jellyfish specifically was because it had done the most damage to him; if even an ounce was left behind, he would still be in critical condition. The ring held a ruby gem, turning his hair red. Sadly, half of his spirit was lost during the process, causing him to lose touch with his emotions now and then.

This made Uraeus immortal, and he lost almost all of his remaining childhood friends because of this. The only way the ring could ever come off was if the other half of his spirit were to return to him.

He was one of the Protectors of the First Guardian, handpicked by the Guardian herself. He dedicated his life to her, and even developed a deep attraction to her, though she wasn't his other half.

After helping the First Guardian on her journey, Uraeus remained with his fellow Protectors until their dying days. As they got older, he remained in the body of a 20 year-old.

For thousands of years, he's roamed the world and even managed to master the techniques of different shifters. He's also famous worldwide, and has been given the nicknames, "The Living Fossil" and "The Immortal Idiot."

Uraeus has forgotten many things throughout his life, including almost forgetting his own birthday. He'll never forget all the times he spent with the First Guardian, because he never would've made it without her.

Love Interests: He's got this complicated relationship with Fang. She holds the other half of his soul (mentioned in the backstory), but she's gone through a lot of bad stuff and doesn't want to be in a relationship for a while. Uraeus understands, but still wants to make an effort to let her know she can trust him as a friend.

He slowly starts to fall for her, yet he refuses to act on these romantic feelings because COMMON SENSE-

Hobbies: Causing trouble, sewing, sword fighting, shopping, being blasted out of canons, babysitting Yue Wong.

Music: He gives me Forrest vibes, so let's go with that ^-^

Deepest Fear: Outliving the people he loves. This has happened more times than he can count, but it scares him every time.

Sexual Activity: Yesn't

Mode of Transportation: His pirate ship

Random: He likes to hide tiny cactus balls on the seats of his enemies.

He eats cheesecake in the dead of night

He had a crazy ex girlfriend from 4,982 years ago who is still alive to this day

He can still feel pain, but he's gotten used to constantly getting hurt so it doesn't really hurt? The most irritating pain he's received are gun shots.

He puts his crew before himself at all times, as they are the direct descendants of his fellow Protectors.

Acts of service is his love language.

Next is Smokey!

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