Mango Lassi

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Hey guys, I know that you're all probably waiting for the part 2 of 'DA SLEEPOVER' but you're just gonna have to wait for now... sorry (not) sorry. 


(Aru P.O.V) 

I am depressed. 

I had studied with Mini constantly for a math test, only to get a D on an English one that had barreled right into my face last minute. 

The doorbell rang and my head shot up from being buried in my lap. 

Mom wasn't supposed to come home yet so maybe it was something else. 

And it was. 

On the doorstep was a cup of mango lassi and a whole cheese pizza. 

I looked around to see if anyone was there but the lawn was empty. 

OK, so a cup of delicious looking mango lassi and a pizza ready to be eaten should be good, right?

So I scooped up the pizza and mango lassi, went to my sofa, put Sam and Cat on, and ate. 

PLUS, I was hungry from homework.... What are you looking at? Homework makes me hungry! OK, now I sound like Brynne. 

Speaking of Brynne...(which also equals Pandavas)

 I called through the mind link for everyone to come over my house. 

No, I don't care that it's an absolute mess. Why would I?

So after adressing them about the 'Urgent Meeting', they sprinted through Greg and all the way to the living room. 

"What's the- WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" asked Mini. Brynne eyed my mango lassi. 

"Where'd you get that?" she asked. 

"Well, someone dropped it off at my door. As well as this pizza." I said, signaling towards it. Brynne rushed to the mango lassi and Mini rushed to the pizza. 


"Die? Yeah I know. But it's PIZZA! PIZZA!" I said frantically, trying to grab back the food. I got the pizza back but Brynne wouldn't budge. She was tasting it, sniffing it, and even checking the consistency. Once she was done, she stared at the cup in shock. 

"That is my recipie. Whoever gave it to you, they got it from me." she said. 

"What? How do you know they didn't take it from you?" Asked Nikki. 

"Because she measures the amount she has left every hour. And today, it was the same as last night." explained Hira. Brynne turned red and Nikki just stared at the 2. 

"So- wait, didn't you give all of the potatoes 1 cup of mango lassi to take home?" asked Mini. 

"I did, except for Aiden. I gave him 2- Oh my Gods, it could've been Aiden. Aru, you already drank your own's right?" I nodded in confirmation." Then Aiden must have seen you through his window and left the mango lassi at your doorstep." Brynne said. 

"I did see him get a pizza delivery as well." I remarked, thinking back to when a DoorDash guy gave him a pizza. 

Everyone started squealing and jumping around happily except for Mini, who sat down next to me. 

"Why were you crying in the first place Aru?" she said amidst all the chaos. 

"I didn't know we had an English test and got a D on that." I explained. 

Mini shrieked, interrupting the others. 

"What's wrong?" Brynne asked, panicking. 


This was a good time to say SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE DEATH GOD, KNEEL BEFORE HER but like before, I controlled myself. 

The doorbell then rang and I rushed to go get it. Hopefully it was more pizza? 

But no. Instead I was greeted by the familiar faces of Aiden and Rudy. I mean, Aiden's not bad. But Rudy? No, just no. I only let him into my house when Mini's here... and well, that's a lot. I ship Mini and Rudy, for your information. 

"Hey Shah. We saw the others come over and thought we might hang out." Aiden said nervously, like he was scared of me. 

"Yeah, sure." I eyed him suspiciously as I let them in. He didn't meet my eyes or even attempt to make any eye contact. 

By the time we reached the living room, Mini was frantically looking over my test, Brynne was still holding the pizza and mango lassi, inspecting it in any way possible, Nikki and Sheela had propped themselves on the sofa, watching Mini, and Hira was watching Brynne with a look on her face that clearly said 'Wow, Brynne' . Once Aiden and Rudy left the room. Brynne jumped up. 

"YOU! AIDEN! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO GAVE ARU THE MANGO LASSI AND PIZZA! THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR!" she declared. Mini looked up, saw Rudy, and looked away with a blushing face. And I think I saw Rudy tint pink as well. 

"OK! OK! YES! It was me! I'm sorry?" The last sentence came out more of a question rather than an exclamation. 

"Brynne, he has nothing to apologize for in the first place. Let him go." I said soothingly, helping Brynne take steps away from Aiden. 

"Thanks Shah." he said. 

"You have nothing to thank me for. If you get strangled, it's gonna be my fault." I smirked at him, making the first eye contact I had since he had entered my house. Aiden laughed nervously. 

"Why were you so gloomy anyway?" he asked. 

"SHE GOT A D ON AN ENGLISH TEST!" Mini exclaimed. Aiden's mouth formed the shape of an 'o'. 

"You didn't study?" Aiden asked. 

"I didn't know. I was studying for a math test but didn't know about an english one. Completely stupid." I sighed, plopping down on the couch and crossing my arms. 

"Yeah well, I once had a pre-algrebra test and flunked it." Mini gasped and shook Aiden. 

"YOU WHAT?" At this point, Mini was going to faint. 

"It's OK, I passed the class." he said, calming her down. Mini put her hand to her chest. 

"I need water. Aru, you too." she rushed to the kitchen and filled a cup with water. 

"Hey Shah?" 


"I live right next to you. If you need a study buddy, call me." he walked away, leaving me with my mouth wide open.


"Aru?" Mini asked interrupting my thoughts, holding up a glass of water. 

But me being me, Mini eventually had to try and force it down my throat as I ran around the house. 

Emphasize on 'try'. 

Aru Shah OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now