~ West Side Sickness ~

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Summary: Almost time for the school musical, and Peter feels cursed with bad luck.

You guys loved my first Musical based story, and my sister really wanted another one. I hope you enjoy!


"Do you wanna live in this lousy world? Play it cool!" Peter sang, unleashing his inner Jet as rehearsals for the musical were underway. West Side Story!

Peter was playing Ice, a Jet all the way! It felt so good to be back with his theatre friends since the production of Newsies, Brody was cast as Tony and Leah was Velma. MJ even got cast in the role of Anita! Quite the upgrade from the stage crew, time to show off her singing and dancing skills.

"Peter's doing good." Ned whispered in MJ's ear as they watched from the wings, they were running through the song and dance numbers on stage.

Spidey was flipping and spin across the stage with the fellow Jets, in his absolute element, leading a group number with his friends.

"Pff, amateur." Flash said unimpressed.

"Pretty rich coming from you, Officer Krupke!" Brody said in Peter's defence, Flash was holding onto his role by the skin of his teeth.

"Oooh theatre burn!" Ned said proudly on Peter's side.

"Like you got it any better as Chino!" Flash said, getting up in Ned's face.

"At least I get to hold hands with Sofia, the leading lady, you don't even have a song!" Ned said angrily as he started raising his voice. 

"Yes I do, you great lump of lard! Gee, Officer Krupke!" Flash struck back, that one hurt.

"That song is about the Jets babbling about how much of a dickhead you are, I wouldn't be proud of that!" Ned said, he didn't know where all this rage was coming from but it was coming from a real place, a deep deep hatred!

"Quiet in the wings!" The theatre teacher called out from the front seats of the auditorium. That ended the bickering, but Peter didn't let it distract him from his solo moment in the spotlight.

"Breeze it, buzz it, easy does it. Turn off the juice, boy!" Peter belted as he danced with his ensemble of fellow Jets. Snapping, kicking, jumping, twirling. The choreography inspired by the 1961 classic, with some modern twists and turns, it was a real sight to behold. Broadway would be proud!

"Just play it cool, boy. Real cool!" He ended, standing beneath the heavy glow of the spotlight, centre stage. Cheers erupted from the wings, Peter finally felt like he could breath again.

"Bravo, I loved the energy Peter! If you do it like that during the opening night you'd make me the proudest teacher." Called the theatre teacher, no one knows her name, it's anyone's guess. 

*Please help me thing of a name for the theatre teacher

"Thank you, Miss Teacher!" Peter called out to her before running into the wings to join his buddies.

"You killed that, bro!" Brody said as he patted him on the shoulder.

"Thanks...that was just...so fun!" The tired boy said as he tried to catch his breath, Ned passed him a water bottle which he chugged in a matter of seconds.

"I thought you were just my boyfriend, when were you going to tell me you were an undercover Billy Elliot?" MJ asked with a smile as she joined them, Peter pulled her in for a massive hug, still panting.

"Did you sweat harder just for me?" MJ chuckled, feeling the back of his neck all hot and sweaty.

"Of course I did, thought it would be a treat." Peter joked as he took a step back to admire her in her costume.

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