~ Dads, We Get The Job Done ~

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Summary: Peter gets sick whilst staying at the avengers compound, luckily he has some experts to help him through it.

This was brought to you by Baskin Robbins, an ice cream shop which I have never been to in my life because I'm a native of South West England, Darling.

"Hey Underoos, how was school today?" Tony called out as the teenager entered the compound, Peter walked by with a frowny face.

"F-Fine, I guess." Peter said shyly as he looked down at his shoes, Tony's motherly instincts quickly took over, he could tell that something was wrong with the youngest member of the team.

"What's up Pete, you seem a little down in the dumps?" Tony said in a caring tone, he wanted to make sure that Peter felt comfortable enough to give an honest answer.

"Well...um I'm actually not feeling s-so good." Peter said sadly.

"Aww Kid." Tony sighed sympathetically, coming in closer to the boy.

"My s-stomach hurts real bad, Mr Stark. Do you mind if I lie down in my room for a while?" Peter asked him, wrapping his arms around his abdomen.

"Of course I don't mind, Peter. Take as much time as you need." Tony said as he put his hand on Peter's shoulder, starting to walk him to the bedrooms.

"T-Thanks, Mr Stark." Peter said, once they made it to his bedroom door.

"No problem, Kid. Give me a shout if you need anything." Tony told him, Peter smiled weakly before heading inside. Tony went back to the common room as Peter dumped his heavy backpack on the floor before changing into his pyjamas, his tummy kept cramping up and he had gotten really cold, he just wanted to sleep and for it all to be over. The sick teen crawled under the covers, deciding to hug all the blankets as he curled his knees up to his chest, once he was all snug he drifted off to sleep.

Tony was soon joined by Clint, Scott and Steve in the common room. Scott had just picked up Baskin Robbins for everyone, a little midweek treat for his pals.

"I got y'all some ice cream, my treat." Scott announced, giving away his treats like father Christmas.

"Thanks Scott, that was nice of you." Steve thanked him.

"Honestly it was nothing, I got staff discount." Scott told them, revealing his secret.

"Didn't you only work there for one day?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, but they never said I couldn't keep my badge." Scott said, showing him his name badge that was tucked away in his ass pocket. He then made a zipped lips gesture, he didn't want to be chucked off his scam, it was a goldmine.

"I got mint chip 'cause I'm hardcore, I got Bug Boy cookie dough, and I got you guys Love Potion 'cause I'm sweet enough!" Scott joked.

"Maybe put Peter's back in the freezer, he's not feeling too well right now." Tony suggested, Scott went ahead and put it inside the freezer before it were to completely melt.

"Poor Kid, is he okay?" Steve asked, taking a spoonful of frozen goodness.

"Probably just a stomach-ache, kids get them all the time." Tony said, both Clint and Scott agreeing.

"Do you want children, Steve?" Clint asked the hundred year old man.

"Maybe, one day." Steve answered, he did have a massive anecdote on this topic however everyone's attention was drawn to a very ill looking teenager leaning in the doorway.

"Hey Peter, you feeling better?" Tony asked him, Peter shook his head and wrapped his blanket around him like a cape.

"I t-threw up...and I-I didn't make it to the bathroom. I-I'm sorry." Peter apologised, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey hey, it's okay Underoos." Tony said, he made his way over to the boy and pulled him in for a warm hug.

"I'll go clean it up, don't worry." Clint offered, getting up from the couch to grab the mop.

Tony felt Peter's forehead with the back of his hand, he definitely had a high fever.

"You're burning up, Pete. FRI, what's Peter's temperature at?" Tony asked her.

"Mr Parker's temperature is at 102.8 degrees." FRIDAY stated.

"Here, come lie down on the couch. I'll bring a bucket through." Scott said, grabbing the official Avengers Puke Bucket out from under the sink. Peter curled up where Scott was originally sitting, poor thing just looked so sad and weak.

"I also brought ice cream if that helps?" Scott said in a semi-sarcastic way to try and cheer him up.

"Thanks, b-but I feel too yucky to eat anything." Peter told him, he appreciated the gesture though, if it were any other day he would have killed for some ice cream but today it just made him feel sick.

"Tummy still hurt?" Tony asked him, Peter nodded slowly and started whimpering like a little puppy.

Tony sat with Peter's head in his lap, running a hand through his messy brown curls to try and soothe him, Scott then knelt down next to the couch and slipped his hand under Peter's sweatshirt to rub his stomach gently. Clint soon came in with a cool washcloth, which he lightly dabbed across Peter's forehead.

"Your rooms all clean now, Pete, I managed to get rid of the smell too." Clint said, but Peter was already asleep again.

"How did you guys do that?" Steve asked in astonishment at the three men before him.

"Do what?" They all asked in unison.

"Get him to fall asleep again?" Steve followed up, moments before the boy was in pain, there were tears all over his face, there was puke on the carpet! ALL GONE!

"Dads, we get the job done!" The three men said in unison, they had been waiting for a moment where they could say that, skipping the choreographed high five then the splits because they were still pampering Peter and didn't want to wake him.

"Years of practise, Steve. I always give my Cassie tummy rubs when she's sick." Scott told him.

"Morgan loves juice pops normally, but when she's sick that's the only thing we give her as she hardly keeps down any other fluids." Tony said.

"What do you give your sick kids on a farm, Clint?" Scott asked him.

"Well, we have fresh veggies so I make a smashing homemade broth. Normally with carrots, potatoes, leeks." Clint listed, Scott looked amazed this time.

"I do a similar thing, I find the broth Cassie wants then I open the can, pour it in a bowl then put it in the microwave." Scott said, all the men started chuckling.

"Must be hard work, I have a lot of respect for you guys." Steve told them, being very genuine.

"Aww shucks." Scott said, blushing a little.

"This stuff soon becomes second nature to us, I have three kids! I'm doomed when it gets to norovirus season." Clint said, everyone could just imagine the scenes, the thought was gag-worthy. Horrible.

"Eww...yeah maybe I don't want kids, they seem... I dunno...sticky!" Steve said, getting a little grossed out by his own thoughts. But that wasn't the burning issue, they had a sick teen to take care of now.

After a long week of vomiting, tears and a whole lot of learning, Peter was feeling a lot better and Steve had learnt about the gross side of parenting.


A little short but life goes on, requests are open x

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