CHAPTER 2 - Abilities and Dates

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The first thing that tipped Wilbur off was that when he went to check his worlds and server he found them missing, even if his hypixel or mineplex server were gone. However he simply put it off that dying did that to a person, so he went to his contacts only to find that all his messages and his friend's phone numbers were gone and missing as well. This reminded the ghost of when he first began to travel across worlds he had a blank state similar to the one he had now which gave him an idea of what was happening.

"If I die and come back does that mean everything was reset as well?" Wilbur sighed and closed his window before walking in one direction hoping to find his friends or any town to contact them and explain his situation.

As he continued to walk he began to wonder if they really wanted him back because even if he was missing a small, huge, part of his memory he could tell he did some very bad things, especially to Tommy if the way he spoke to him said anything about that but...he couldn't help but hope for a chance to at least redeem himself in the very least so he held onto that small hope. Wilbur aimlessly walked around trees not paying attention to his surroundings which is why it surprised him when there was no ground beneath his feet and he began to fall. On instinct he sharply exhaled and raised his arm expecting impact but when he didn't hit the ground and slowly opened his eyes to see he was lying down on his stomach 4 feet from hitting the ground. Wilbur lowered his arms in awe as a smile grew on his face and excitement bubbled in his stomach.

"So...fucking cool..." he whispered so surprisedly but also feeling stupid because he was a freaking ghost now so of course, he could float. Wilbur suddenly smirked as an idea hit him and he turned to a stone wall and slowly floated towards it, with a bit of difficulty but quickly got the hang of it since it was like learning to walk and imagined going through the wall. He prepared himself just in case he failed and ran into the wall. It worked...kinda because Wilbur got halfway through it before he became stuck and was suddenly incredibly glad that no one was around to see his failure and felt his cheeks burning like warming flames.


Wilbur sighed in relief as he spotted houses ahead of him and began to get down the mountain, by floating down since it was such an awesome skill to have. He had spent nearly all morning testing out a few abilities that ghosts were said to have and found that he could float, become invisible, go through objects (But it had a 50/50 chance of working) but he could not move objects with his mind sadly enough. However his favorite one was the one that allowed him to make himself look more...well alive like how he used to but if his concentration broke then he would look dead again, he found this out when a creeper appeared and scared the crap out of him. Also due to the creeper incident if he looked human then the monster would attack him but when he looked like a ghost the creeper quickly lost interest in him and left. As much as it was helpful knowledge to know it once again reminded him how he was alive anymore, how he wasn't ALIVE Wilbur anymore, and made him a little sad but those emotions were pushed down when he saw the first person he had seen since he had woken up. Wilbur took a deep breath and focused on looking more human before walking towards the man.

As he walked closer he noticed that the place he was in wasn't actually a town but a farm and when the man noticed him he waved at Wilbur with a smile.

"Ahhh...hello there! Haven't seen anybody else around these parts in a while. What brings you here?" Wilbur gave the man a small smile.

"Hello yes, I well kinda got lost and was wondering if you had a phone or could tell me where I am?" The farmer pursed his lips in thought before nodding to himself.

"Well you are currently in one of the Main worlds called Earthen and I do have a phone but it doesn't connect to anyone if they are in another server so sorry" Wilbur nodded slightly confused because he had never heard about this Earthen world before but he would dwell on that later.

"That's fine, anything is okay at this point." Wilbur blinked and silently cursed himself "Sorry! I forgot to tell you but my name is Wilbur" The man nodded and waved him towards a small cute house by the edge of a wheat field.

"Pleasure to meet you, mine is Jonester or Jon for short"

They arrived at his house and Jon led Wilbur to a couch before he left to get the phone, leaving Wilbur to study the house. Wilbur noticed a calendar on the wall and immediately put his attention on it to find out how long he had been dead for before he froze and his disguise disappeared leaving him in his usual ghosty self. The year is written on the calendar was more than ten years before the war, election, even him just joining the SMP or before he even met Phil or even traveled to his first server...

"I' the past?" Wilbur whispered in shock because how could that be possible and it had to be wrong. However, the more calm part of his mind begins to work the facts.

"If I am in the past then that is why you don't have anyone's contacts or phone numbers " Wilbur shook his head in denial because maybe the man just had an outdated calendar. After all, time travel was impossible. "So is coming back from the dead after losing your last life " He bit his lip because it was true and yet he was here but it still couldn't be true because if it was what was he going to do?

He was broken out of his train of thought when he heard loud footsteps and quickly turned back into his alive form. Jon looked at him with a confused smile

"Are you okay, you look a bit shocked?"

"O-oh yeah I just had some thoughts that confused me a bit, nothing to worry about" Wilbur waved away the other concern with a fake smile that felt natural for him to feel comfortable at how easy it was to form one.

"Okay? Anyways here" Jon handed him an old-style phone that Wilbur hadn't seen in years seen it had gone out of style further giving him evidence that he swiftly ignored it in favor of asking a question that could break or make him as one would say.

"Hey, is that calendar recent?" Jon blinked and looked taken back before smiling in a joking manner.

"Well, I would hope so since I got it last week" Wilbur licked his licked and gave Jon a shaky smile.

"D-do y-you have a b-bathroom?"

"Yeah, right down the hall first door to the left- '' Wilbur was up and walking away almost sprinting down the hall, and as soon as he went into the bathroom and collapsed against the door as his form faded away leaving him on the floor as a broken ghost mess. He held his hands to his mouth and nose to keep himself silent as tears fell from his eyes and he felt the hole in his chest become bigger and he wasn't talking about the sword cut.

"I'm dead...I'm in the past...I'm all alone..."

GhostBur's Retry (Wilbur Soot's Redemption)Where stories live. Discover now