6. He is here

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TW: Attempted Suicide

Dream was left kneeling on the floor crying. George had rushed away. He had pushed George further away.

This wasn't supposed to happen. George was supposed to love him. He smashed his hand into the wall. It obviously didn't break but his knuckle started bleeding. "I deserved that" Dream thought to himself. He got closer to the lava touching the lava. It burned but not that much anymore.

George didn't want to see him anymore. So what was the point in this. Nothing. He started taking steps closer to the lava. He said burning wasn't an option but it was quicker way to hell.

Every step was a memory of him and George. How they played in the snow. How they fought. How they laughed cried and lost together. He was an inch away from the lava. His nose was almost touching it. One more step and death was going to be upon him.

Just then a voice echoed trough the room. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Dream looked around. There was no one inside and it didn't sound like Sam. He was shocked. "Calm down, you don't have to worry about anything, just listen to me." Dream nodded still being in shock and trembling.

"George doesn't love you, no one does. So what do you say we break out." Dream fell down. The voice was scary. Dream was shaking. He started to feel sick. It felt strange. "W-who are y-you." Dream said. He wasn't scared but his whole body said otherwise. "Dream, I'm you. You don't know me but I know you. We are one" The voice said. Now Dream recognized it. He was speaking to himself.

               Sam's POV
Sam was on the security cameras. Dream was talking to himself, trembling and shaking. Sam knew Dream was not okay. He rushed to the cell to see what Dream was doing. The lava fell and Dream was standing there. Looking at something nonexistent. He turned to Sam. He was twitching. "He is here, he is here~" Dream said in a shaky voice. Sam quickly raised his sword at Dream. Dream's face didn't react. He started moving closer. "He is here..." Dream said as he stopped suddenly. Dream turned to look at the other direction. A smile grew on his tormented face.

Sam rushed out of the cell. Dream was mental. He needed to get help. But Sam couldn't leave the prison. He needed to watch Dreams every move and make sure he was okay. He was still running to the cams. Sam stopped at the security room. Sam catches his breath and opens the door everything was silent. The cameras were off. It was weird since he remembered leaving them on. He pressed the power button. The camera focused on the cell.

The picture was blurry at first. The screen had to focus. The image got clearer and clearer over seconds. Sam looks at the screen.

Dream was gone
(530 words)

This is kinda short but I wanted to leave this on a cliff hanger. Also thank you for 191 reads! Almost two hundred.
Hope you have a great day, night or morning!

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