7. ûHęłpæÿ

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TW: Slight horror?

The whole server was scared and quiet. Ever since Dream escaped Tommy was kept in a room always guarded and people mostly stayed inside. Sam was worried for Tommy. It was his fault Dream escaped. He was a coward for running away from the cell.

Dream had nothing on him, why was he so scared. Sam spent all his time protecting Tommy. He didn't sleep. They had assigned who would guard but Sam insisted keeping watch the whole time.

Everyone was worried for Tommy and Tubbo. Everyone expect one person. George.
George was more worried for Dream.

When Dream escaped Sam sounded the alarm on the whole server. Everyone panicked and ran into their homes. But George stayed out. He was waiting for Dream. He wanted to visit him again but Dream was gone.

He wanted to apologize and feel the same delight from his kiss. He just stood there looking into the distance until Sapnap dragged him inside. The server was scared. Even techno. He was good but if Dream had some powers even he couldn't fight against them.

Everyone wanted Dream dead. He only had one life left and it was more important for him to die than bring Wilbur back. Everyone had agreed that they would try to kill Dream. They kept this from Tommy and Tuboo cause they would refuse.

No one was allowed to leave without guidance or guards. So George's walks in the woods were over. It was the one place where he could clear his mind and he needed it desperately.

He was confused. Was George supposed to be scared of Dream or happy that he escaped. Was he in love anymore. Did Dream love him? Probably not. No one knew about the kiss. George wanted to keep it a secret. Of course if he told anyone George would be put under lockdown also. If they found out Dream had a soft spot for George it would be a disaster.

George couldn't take it anymore. He put one his jacket and ran into the forest. Sapnap heard him leave probably and people would come look for him but at this point he just wanted to be alone.

George wandered around the woods. He was probably being chased right now. But he knew a place. It was a hollow tree. Vines covered the entrance so you could see outside but if you didn't know where it was it stayed invisible. It was Dream and George's hangout spot. They had stuffed it with pillows and blankets.

Now George was sitting there. He was sitting alone with his thoughts with no one around. This calmed him down. He wanted to play music on the jukebox but the others could hear it. His thoughts were wandering around until it stopped at the kiss. George's cheeks felt hot. The kiss was marvelous. He wanted it to happen again. He pinched himself to reality. He couldn't love Dream. Dream probably didn't love him anymore after he pushed Dream away.

Tears were rolling down his face. He was a problem to everyone. No one wanted or cared for him. George was crying silently when suddenly he heard leaves rustle. "Where is he..." it was Technoblade. "We searched through the whole forest!" This time it a was Fundy. They were obviously looking for him.

George couldn't come out. If he did the tree would be discovered. He had to wait and then go home. Techno and Fundy left but George was scared to come out. He closed his eyes and drifted away in the cozy blankets.

George woke up at night. It was dark and quiet. No animals, only the little gushes of wind once in a while. It was so peaceful. George had only been in the forest at day time. The night was a while different experience. He heard leaves rustler behind him. It was probably someone searching for him. Most likely techno since he didn't talk a lot. George turned around. Behind him was Dream.

George jumped back. The sneaking up on him freaked George out but it was Dream. George didn't know what to say. "I wâš łøòkįńg for ÿöū" Dream said. It sounded glitched, distorted. But George didn't notice that. He jumped into Dreams arms hugging him sobbing his eyes out. "W-where were y-you?" George asked without getting a response. It was like Dream was in a trance. Dream grabbed George's hand softly. It felt safe. "I have something to show you." Dream lead George along a path. His voice was calming and almost hypnotic. It was rocky and hard to climb but George trusted Dream.

The path ended on a little river. It was beautiful. There were little fish swimming around and water was slowly splashing. George and Dream sat down. George wanted to kiss Dream. He wanted to do it without a surprise. He wanted it to be sweet and perfect. George softly grabbed Dreams mask. Dream flinched a bit but took George's hand. George started sliding off the mask. He was leaning in seeing Dreams green eyes and freckles. Then Dream started twitching. Dream closed his eyes. George backed off. Dream opened his eyes.

They were black. It was empty darkness. No soul or sparkle. Only a lifeless shadow. Dream took the mask off. He was crying. But it looked like he was crying blood. The tears were red and running down his face fast. George stood up and started running. He heard Dream scream. "NOT NOW, LEAVE ME ALONE, GEORGE- DONT LEAVE ME, PLEASE üīHĘŁP MĘæėü!" George was not sure what Dream said in the last part but he was scared. Whatever that was it was not Dream.

George ran to his house. He opened the door to find Sapnap asleep on the couch. He was scared to death. George moved to Dreams room. Dream sounded so hopeless, tortured.

He needed to help Dream.
(988 words)
Thanks for reading! Btw the thing controlling Dream is not the egg if you we're thinking that.
Good day,morning night to you!

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