9. Dreams

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George had walked back to the base. He had teared up on the way. His home, the smp was torn apart just to find one person.

Wasn't Sapnap, Niki or anyone feeling guilt. It seemed like George was the only person that cared for the smp nowadays.

Everyone only wants to get fame, gold or power. George remembered when him and Dream used to run around the smp collecting flowers and caring for nothing. But the the wars came.

George didn't want to interfere with the war. He wanted peace. It sounded cliché but that was his dream. (see what I did there)

George had ended up in front of his room. He had made a sign reading George with blue pressed flowers on it.

The door was creaky like everything else there. It seemed abandoned. Like someone had just found it. Of course it wasn't. Techno has built it for this cause.

George's room was dark. The lantern he had placed had burnt out. Right now fire was scary for him. Memory of the forest burning down, everyone acting like it was normal.

But George couldn't stay in the dark. With hesitation George lit a match. George was flooded with memories, bad thoughts and rage. He quickly lit the lantern and threw the match away. It was as if everything he had jsut remembered had ripped a piece of his heart out.

It wasn't a big deal. Burning down a forest wasn't a big deal. It was done many times on the smp. So why was it scary now. George huddled up in his blankets.

He quietly started weeping. Tears streaming down his face as memories where flashing. How he was left to die in the cold. How he cried over Dream for days. How he kissed Dream.

He had cried himself to sleep that night. It was better than staying up crying. He got up groggy. George looked at himself. Puffy eyed, tired looking. It was clear he cried.

George put on his clout glasses to cover his eyes. Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come in." George said. His voice was raspy. Niki walked in. "Hey George, um techno wants to talk to you." "Are you ok, did you sleep well?" Niki said with worry in her voice."Oh yeah just got up on the wrong foot." George replied trying to sound cheerful. When Niki left he started worrying. What if Techno sends him away from the team. He had not done the job he was supposed to do. Or what if techno kills him. It was unlikely but still possible. George knew the base and were everyone lived. If techno killed him George couldn't snitch.

He started scratching his neck. Everything could go wrong here.

He walked up to technos Door. The same sing with a little crown and blood splatter was hung on it. What if it was his blood leaking down the sign next.

George entered. Techno was now not looking at the map. He was sitting on the bed eyeing George. "George." Techno greeted him with a nod. George was too petrified to say anything. "You can't just walk away from duty George." "You are under me command now, so listen to me."Techno said standing up. George was scared his knees would give in, that he would just fall to the ground. "Techno grabbed his axe. "Under no circumstance you say no to my orders." Techno raised the ace to George's throat. He was scared to breath. " You understand that?" Techno said with a firm tone. George nodded and techno pulled away. "Now as it was your first time I will let you off with a warning." "You may go now" Techno said turning away.

George scurried out of the room. He felt sick. There was a little cut on his throat. A small amount of blood was falling on to his shirt. George didn't even want to heal it. He wanted to get out.

Now that he worked for Techno he didn't need a guard to watch him all the time outside.

He ran into the forest. Wanting to get lost in it forever and never coming back. He ran and ran, a mix of tears and blood falling onto the ground. He reached the tree. The tree where he and Dream hung out. The place where he found Dream after escaping.

He put the curtain to the side. The little shindig reflecting off the glitter on it. It was very noticeable but Dream had insisted on it. George stepped in to the  soft cushions and blankets.

There was something bundled up in the blankets. George walked up to it.

It was Dream. In his dirty lime green hoodie and the smiley mask off to the side. George thought he was seeing things.

But when he went up to the bundle it was sleeping peacefully. George stroked Dreams cheek. It was soft with the slight freckles on his perfect skin. George kissed Dream on the cheek. As if everything that had happened in the day faded away. He cuddled next to Dream.

The soft breathing and his chest moving up and down. It was perfect. He had tears in his eyes. He was smiling while tears ran down his cheeks.

"What a baby I am crying here next to Dream" George thought to himself. His eyes started falling down. This wasn't a nightmare. It was peaceful sleep. Not a restless sleep with terrifying memories. It was plain nothing.

There was a blue tulip field. George was walking through it. Without a care in the world. Then he saw a figure. It was Dream with his lime green hoodie and a smile plastered on his face. George ran up to him. They hugged. No sound, no interruptions. Just Dream and Him hugging on a blue tulip field.

As George woke up there wasn't a sleeping Dream next to him. George was feeling cleaner and well rested. As he went down to feel where the scar was there was a blue plaster on it. George smiled. Dream had fixed him up. George got up. As he was grabbing all of his stuff he noticed a little note laying on the blankets.


It was a simple gesture but it was all George could ask for.

(1055 words)

Thank you for 500 reads! Just in the last chapter I was thanking for 400. Can't believe so many have read the book.

Thank you for readin
Good morning, day or night to you.

Also wrote this at 12am so expect a lot of spelling errors lmao

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