Idk what else to say...
Umm... Welcome to my book of randomness. A place for me to put stuff that I want to share with the world (anyone who will look).
I hope to make some people smile with this "book". I hope to brighten someone's day with this book. I hope to express myself and show the world that you don't have to be "normal".
I'm not normal. I'm weird and quirky. You'll most likely see that a lot through this book.
That's really it. Please be nice to me and the others on this platform.
I came up with some stuff to say...
YOU are WORTHY. YOU are WANTED. YOU are NEEDED in this world. YOU are BEAUTIFUL. And YOU are LOVED. If you EVER need someone to talk to or just need a reminder of what I said here know I'm there for you. Those things I said are facts that apply to anyone and everyone. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and KNOW that things WILL GET BETTER. LOVE YOU ALL NO MATTER WHAT. STAY STRONG, STAY SAFE, AND STAY YOU. YOU are ORIGINAL and NEEDED in ways NO ONE ELSE can be. xoxo ❤️ -A friendly friend.
I'm a human! I'll make mistakes like the rest of you. Whether that is my spelling, or my grammar, or a term, or a fact, etc. I am not the all-knowing... I also don't have time to be on this platform at every time of day. I have a life outside of this book too.
This book is on no schedule and has no plans it is only for me to come on and write when I feel there is something to talk about. I have some ideas and I'm also willing to take your suggestions too(idk if there really is anything to suggest but if you got something leave it.). You can leave them in the comments anytime and I will do my best, but it would be helpful if you leave them in the side comment section off this paragraph. Thanks. ~~>>
Some rules...
1. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it.
2. No cursing or inappropriate behavior.
3. This is a place of kindness not hate. Do not hate on me or others.
4. All are welcome.
5. You are no better than anyone. We are all equal and, in all ways, too. Only God is higher than someone. Treat people as such and do not say you are any greater than someone or that they are worse than you in any way.
6. I am here if you need it.
7. God is with you and so am I. (I'm a Christian)
8. I am up to having conversations with any of you as long as it is appropriate. Just message me privately unless you want to have it in the public eye. I will do my best to respond to everyone.
9. Comments, follows, and suggestions are welcome as long as they are positive.
10. Stay safe. Stay positive. Stay faithful.
That's it really. I hope you had an amazing day and I hope the rest will be a good time!
Written, edited, and published on February 2nd, 2021.
Random things
RandomA book of random things I come up with. Video's, pictures, art work, my thoughts, writing prompts, short stories, challenges, and anything else I can think of. Expect lot's of photography.