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Finding Tommy

( part 1 )



tommy had to admit it. he was lost. in a freaking snowstorm. with no clue where he was or what he was doing. at first, he was trying to go snoop around techno's house as a prank, but that back fired as the snow storm started and they caught him, and now tommy was lost in the freezing cold with only leather snow boots on and a small jacket.

he looked around for any mobs near him, and a creeper was behind him so he slashed it, it hissing and dying. bit the creeper wasn't the only one hissing now. tommy winced as an arrow shot his side and he wirled around to see a skeleton right in front of him. he quickly killed it with his sword, anddd here comes the pain.

"tommy?" tommy heard a voice and started running but tripped over a root, resulting in falling flat on his face. "tommy!" the voice was coming closer as tommy tried to crawl away but was grabbed by the arm by them.

"tommy! are you okay?" the voice was soft. tommy turned around. "sam?" he was on the verge if tears now, warm blood dripping down his side.

sam immediately saw the blood and took action. he took off his coat and wrapped it around tommy, making him much more warm.

"here tommy," he took his mask off placing it on tommys face. "that'll keep your face warm for now." he picked up tommy onto his back and tommy just buried his face in sam's back.

sam trudged through the snow, luckily he brought the right equipment. he slowly made his way back, until he made it to the nether. tommy was still shaking from the cold, so it definitely should warm him up a little. he went through another portal, farming the grass and letting himself in his house. he placed tommy down on a bed by the wall while he went to go get supplies.

tommy didn't say a word. he didn't wanna seem weak, but the pain was unbearable and he could already feel the tears dripping down his face and his stuffy nose. he was really dizzy, and could barely realize he was in sam's house.

after a couple minutes, sam came back with a couple things. "you okay tommy?" sam asked, taking the mask off tommy so he could see if there was any marks on his face. there was.

"what's that?" sam pointed at the red on tommy's cheek hoping for any answer but there wasn't any possibility because he didn't answer the first question.

"phil did that," tommy spoke up to sam's surprise. it did look like someone slapped tommy. "why?" sam replied, the anger already building up inside him. "i-it's my fault." tommy sniffled. "i can't,"

"okay well if your not ready to talk i won't force you." sam smiled and grabbed tommy's shaky hands. "just tell me when your ready, k? i'm worried about you." tommy nodded, slightly smiling now.

sam managed to pull the arrow out and bandage tommy in gauze. he left tommy to rest and closed the door to his house. ( more like pistons but ya know )

"i'm ready," tommy sighed, looking down at his knees. sam nodded and sat next to the boy. "i-it's my fault, it's really now a big deal i should've-" the blonde began rambling byt sam stopped him. he definitely had a habit of doing that. "tommy." sam looked down at tommy and smiled slightly, giving a reassuring feeling.

"i-i snuck into techno's house to snoop- it was supposed to be a prank i swear!" he started, while sam rubbed thumb across tommy's hand back and forth. "it's okay tommy i believe you," sam reassured. tommy nodded, "and- and phil caught me. he called me a mistake and- and- s-s-macked m-me." the blonde was sobbing at this point, and sam just hugged him, whispering something like 'it's okay,'.

"why don't you get some rest?" sam smiled and he nodded and lay down as sam hugged him and turned off the lights to his house.

he walked outside, sighing and leaning against the now closed piston door. "what the heck is wrong with phil?" he spat under his breathe. just then, phil walked through the portal. sam smirked.

"philll," sam smiled sarcastically and walked up to him. phil turned around, looking at sam. "hey, sam, can i borrow some red st-" sam immediately cut him off taking a step forward. "oh no no no don't you 'hey sam!' me." 

"oh?" phil tilted his head slightly looking at the younger. "OH? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY? WHY DID I FIND TOMMY, AN ARROW IN HIS SIDE, IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE TELLING ME YOU SMACKED HIM?" sam was so angry, probably more than angry.

"listen here sam, he broke into my house so i had to teach him a lesso-" phil was cut off again, "IT WAS A PRANK!" sam hissed. "HE IS A CHILD. CHILDREN MAKE MISTAKES. YOU DON'T PHYSICALLY SLAP YOUR KID BECAUSE HE MAKES A MISTAKE." 

"CAN'T YOU SEE SAM, HES A TROUBLE MAKER! ALL HE DOES IS CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR OUR FAMILY! HE'S A NUSENSE!" phil was now screaming back, and sam was worried this would turn into to a duel, but if it came to those terms, he would definitely fight for tommy even though fighting wasn't his string suit. "AGAIN, HE IS A CHILD!" phil went to grip his sword but sam said something that shocked him.


phil stepped back. his son? 

"YOUR SON?" phil spotted tommy behind sam and ran. "shoot," sam said under his breath. "tommy," tommy had tears spilling down his face, and backed up but he was against the wall. "get away from me!" he sobbed, covering his face with his arms. "lets go home, tommy."

sam pointed his sword at him. "GET. AWAY. FROM. MY. SON." phil knew all he had was a sword, and that he wouldn't win. he spread his wings, slightly taking flight. "you won't get away with this." he spat, and flew off.

sam immediately came towards tommy, who fell onto his knees crying. sam hugged tommy, "it's okay," he whispered over and over, telling the poor boy it was alright. "a-am i really a nuisance?" tommy stuttered in sam's hoodie, before looking up at a worried sam. "no, not at all," sam whispered and cracked a smile. tommy smiled back and then stuffed his face in sam's hoodie again, embarrassed for crying.

"let's get you to bed my son." tommy nodded and sam picked him up and placed him in bed, sighing.

"your an awesome dad, awesamdad," tommy smiled before falling asleep, making sam chuckle. he stepped outside and watched the sun go down, making a beautiful sunset.

he was gonna have to talk with someone about this.


question of the day - what's your least favorite minecraft mob? mines personally a creeper 😃💔

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