Chapter 17: Get a room already

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By the time they got back it was already midnight, he insisted on walk her home after she resist staying at Kai's place, "I can protect myself you know," she said while walking next to him, "oh no I am worrying about other people's safety," he chuckles then nudges her elbow, "we are hanging out at the grill tomorrow, are you coming?" She looks at him, the moonlight reflects in her eyes, making her eyes look even more glowing.

He was surprised at her invitation first, but he quickly accepted it, "sure, what time?" He said casually, "7, and I can hear your heart beat too." She chuckles, "show off," he rolled his eyes and laugh under his breath, "ok I'm here, text me when you get home alright?" She pulls him in for a hug on the front porch, "will do mom," he laughs then kiss her on her forehead softly. "Good night," he whispers, "night, see you tomorrow." She smiles before open the door.

The next day Kai moves to the new place he got, he doesn't have much stuff so it's easier for him to move, he opens the door after hearing it rang, "you're here, good." He said to Evalynn who he texted earlier, "are you sure about this?" She asks him again, "yea why not, I got bored pretty easily, moving can keep me busy for a few days," Kai drags her inside as he speaks, "call me if you need anything alright? See you tonight." He gives her a wink before heading out. "Thanks." she mumbles.

Bonnie and Enzo decided to join tonight, along with Damon and Elena, so literally all the people except Jo and Ric who's babysitting tonight. Evalynn went to the bathroom to take a shower, trying to relax herself from all the nightmares she got, every time she closes her eyes, the visions of blood splashing on her face, all the blood oozing out of the bathtub with her ex boyfriend's body lying in it, and the worst of all, Kai's heart being ripped out from his chest right in front of her will appear, it's slowly driving her crazy again. She kept this from everyone, she doesn't wanna worry them, she wants to tell Kai, but how should she tell him, like oh hey I had a dream where your heart was being ripped out in front of me? That totally sounds normal and not insane.

After the 45 minutes of hot shower, she stands in front of the mirror with a towel wrapped around her body, she wipes the steam off the giant mirror and finding a woman standing behind her. "Mom?!" Evalynn quickly turns around, but no one was standing there anymore, "what the," she shakes her head and walks out of the bathroom.

She puts on a black lace mini dress that she plans to wear tonight, then she dried her hair in her bedroom, and starts doing makeup to distract herself. "You are not crazy, you didn't see anything, it's just PTSD, or bipolar hehe," she whispers and tries to 'brain wash' herself, then she starts curling her hair after finishing her makeup, it was around 6 when she finishes everything, her phone buzzed, "want me to pick you up later?" It's from Kai, "sure, text me when you are here ;)" She responds.

Evalynn grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and starts chugging it, "hmm brain freeze," she suddenly stops drinking, then she ran to the closet and grabbing her black heeled ankle boots after it pops up in her head, yea she's all over the place. "Bye to converse," she mutters to herself, then she put it on and stands in front of the mirror, the ankle boots make her legs look longer and it goes with the black lace dress she's wearing, "5 minutes." It's from Kai, "okii," she responds to his text and smiling at her phone, she grabs her black leather jacket before leaving.

"Looking good Eva," Kai said as he saw her walking towards him, "thanks, not so bad yourself Parker," she gives him a smile before getting into the car. "Have you not been eating?" Kai suddenly asks her, "no why?" She lied, the truth is, she hasn't been eating well since she got back from the hospital, recently it got worse, most of the time she would puke her guts out after eating. "Stop lying Padovano, you're a horrible liar, eat this." He hands her a small bag that has a croissant in it.

Evalynn took it hesitantly, "I just ate before I left," she said while brushing her hair, "what did you eat? Air?" Kai rolled his eyes then made a left turn, he snatches the bag from her hand, "fine, promise me you'll eat something in the grill later, or no alcohol for you kiddo." Kai scoffed, "you're so annoying," she laughs while looking at him, "and you're so pretty." Kai teases her.

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