Chapter 29: Life in New Orleans

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It has been at least 6 months since they moved to New Orleans, Elijah got a great place for them, it's really close to the compound where the rest of them are staying, except Kol and Davina, they got their own apartment too. Evalynn's baby bump is showing which Kai finds it weird and cute at the same time, at first he thought she just gained weight from all the cooking he did, but there is no way that a woman's tummy could be that big when the rest of her body is so tiny, then he suddenly realized it's baby bump, and he remembers his mom used to have those too.

Evalynn and Kai is at the compound, Davina and Kol just got back from their little trip, they are all gathered together to think about the baby's name, Hope did a little witchy woo 'by accident' and found out the baby's gender, a girl. She was more than happy to know that she will have a best friend to hang out with in the future, even if she's almost 6 years younger than her. Kai actually prefer having daughter too, so he won't have a mini him running around probably thinking about murdering people.

They are staring at her baby bump with a can of soda she put it on there, she call it 'put it in good use' apparently. "How about Katherine?" Hayley suggested, "god no," Klaus rolled his eyes, "hatred much?" Evalynn laughs and looks at him, "sorry love, just not good enough for our precious little witch," he winks at Evalynn. "Caitlyn? Meredith? Bethany? Alice? It doesn't sound right," Kol broke the silence.

"Tough one," Rebekah sighed, she couldn't think of a name either, "how about Diana? It's moon goddess in Latin," Freya looks at the couple, "that's a beautiful name sister." Elijah smiles at them, "Diana Marjorie Parker, sounds pretty cool," Evalynn said to them, Kai frowned then looks at her, "honey where is your last name?"

Evalynn raised her eyebrows, "what do you mean?" She asks him, "I just think it's not fair if you don't put your last name in it since you are the one carrying it for 9 months and doing all the labour work," he wraps his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him. "Wow didn't take you as a feminist before," she laughed, then she saw all the people are looking at them with a proud smile, mostly looking at Kai instead of her. "Diana Marjorie Padovano Parker," Kai said next to her ear.

"Bet she is gonna have a hard time writing her name down in school," Kol joked then Davina smacked his head, "would you start acting like your own age?" Davina gives him a I'm sick of your bullshit look, "love if he acts like his own age he should be lying in a coffin now, but I am more than happy to do the honor." A devilish smirk appeared on the original hybrid's face, "Niklaus behave." Elijah warned him, "always the good brother." Rebekah said with a sarcastic smile.

Hope walks to where Kai and Evalynn is sitting and looks at them with a lovely smile on her face, "that's a lovely name auntie Eva," she pats Hope's head lightly after hearing her words, "thank you Hope," Kai smiles at her. Over the past few months, Kai has become Hope's favorite uncle, which Kol is very unhappy about, he's trying to beat him but Hope doesn't really buy it.

Hayley took Hope to the garden as the little girl asked, Klaus followed them behind holding a set of paint brush and other materials, "have fun!" Evalynn waves them goodbye, "thank you love." Klaus almost looked a little bit shy if it's possible, "man, Klaus really gonna soft," Evalynn shook her head in amusement, "and so are you." She turns to Kai, "yea? Whose fault is that?" Kai tapped her nose gently, "only for you and the baby, I'd still rip someone's throat out without hesitation if they hurt any of you." "Me too." She starts giggling.

Kol and Davina went back to their apartment, Rebekah went to find Marcel, and Freya is finally having some alone time with her girlfriend which is really rare since she is constantly cleaning up everyone's messes, mostly Klaus's, but at the end of the day everyone is grateful for each other, the Mikaelsons treat Kai like their own brother, even though he is not related to them, and they are really protective over each other, even towards Evalynn's unborn baby.

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