Chapter 23: Family history

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"Sorry to interrupt, but may I have a word with Evalynn Aurinda?" Klaus knocks the door, "sure," Kai said after opened the door, he walks out of the cell after Klaus gives him a smile and a nod.

Evalynn smiles hopelessly at Klaus, "if you're here to lecture me, just don't," she groans, "I'm not here to lecture you love," Klaus chuckles, "then why are you even here, in Mystic Falls, I don't even know you," she leans her head back as she speaks weakly, then Klaus bit his wrist and shove it in to her mouth. She digs her fangs deeper into his skin, then he pulls away, "why, hmm?" She tilts her head looking at him, "because you need to be conscious for what I'm about to say later." "Enlighten me then Nik."

"A thousand years ago, there were a family that lives in a small village in England, the father was a monster, the mother was a coward who couldn't protect her own children, they became neighbors with werewolves, live among witches and acted like everything was normal. After the youngest brother was killed by a werewolf, their mother turned them into vampires," Klaus looks at her, "the stories of originals, Rebekah told me before," Evalynn gives him a very unimpressed look, but the look on Klaus's face is priceless, he looks interested in some way, which is rare for him.

He leans closer to her, and continues to speak, "I'm sure she didn't tell you all of the story, because she didn't know back then," Klaus blinked his eyes, "didn't know what?" Evalynn looks at him, her mouth hang open, "my mother gave away her two children before Elijah was born, Freya Mikaelson, one of our sister who united with us a while ago, the other one is Marjorie Mikaelson who changed her name to Marjorie Padovano later in her life. Esther, a horrible mother as she was, she found out Marjorie's magic was different than every other witches's, she bailed and gave her away, after she grew up, she got married and chose mortality, that's how your bloodline started."

No words can describe Evalynn's feelings at the moment, shock, surprised, angry... "So you're my great great great great uncle?" Evalynn opened her mouth after processed all the informations, "have you ever met my mom? Why no one told me this before?" She added, "easy there love, one questions at a time, yes I'm your great great great uncle if you put it that way, and yes your mom found us actually, she was an amazing woman, she helped me and my brothers a lot of time actually, she even brought you to meet us after you were born," Klaus smiles at her like a high school girl who just finished gossiping with her bestie.

"You were much cuter when you were little though, less violent, way more adorable," he joked, "what about my dad, was he a human?" Evalynn ignored Klaus as she realized something bigger, there was no way her mom would marry a human, "love, I don't think you're ready for that yet." Klaus suddenly backed up. A mature male voice came outside the door, "Niklaus I think it's time for us to tell her," Elijah came through the door as he was tidying up his suit.

Evalynn looks more confused now, "tell me, was he a werewolf? Vampire?" Evalynn stares at them, "darling he wasn't any of those," Kol entered the cell, "great, then what is he, a mermaid?" She rolled her eyes. "A siphon," Elijah told her, "what? Was he from, the Gemini Coven?" Even Evalynn herself couldn't believe what she just said, Kol nodded his head confirming her doubt.

"Your father was a part of the Gemini Coven, but not related to them, so you don't have to worry about being a part of related to your lover boy upstairs, wouldn't that be disgu—" "Kol get to the bloody point," Klaus warned him, "alright brother, your father was a siphon, which was considered as an abomination in the Gemini Coven, however he managed to escaped from Joshua Parker when he was 20, later on in his life he met your mother, but Joshua tracked him down years later, and murdered him and the rest of the Padovano bloodline, including your mother." Kol looks at her nervously.

Evalynn suppress the urge to gulp for air, "him and I were drinking buddies back in the days," Kol added playfully then Klaus took him outside with him. Elijah looks at her, "why did you tell me this?" She asks Elijah, "you're part of the family, your mother asked us to take care of you when you were young, we owed her a favor, that's why we are here, we would do anything to help our family," Elijah said gently. "Well, do me a favor, let me out of here, and then we will talk." She clenches her jaws as she feels the bloodlust getting harder and harder to control, "I will, once you are under control, look at yourself Evalynn Aurinda, do you think your mom would want to see you like this?"Elijah threw something on her lap and break the cuff on one of her hands then left her alone in there.

It kind of looks like a grimore, she opened it finding out it's more like a family history book, it even has her parents' photos in there, "mom," she whispers, then a tear fell onto the page. Her fingertips caresses the old photo of her mom when she was younger, she looks like she was about the age of 23 there, her long wavy hair makes her face look even more sculpted, and her eyes, they are the same color as hers, blue with a mix of purple in them.

Suddenly the door was opened, "I don't wanna see you right now," she closed the book and looks away from Kai, "why, please talk to me Eva, I want to help," Kai begs her, he can't believe she is about to leave him again, "you want to help? Then get your ass back to Portland before I rip your head off Malachai, who do you think it's gonna be if I lose control again? Liv? Jo? Or is it gonna be Stefan? Maybe I will start with you since you follow me every day, or should I finish what I started with Elena, I mean I almost killed her a few hours ago, it wouldn't be so hard to rip her head off huh?" Her voice gets louder and louder.

The scooby gang heard her and came down to her cell along with the originals, "good, since you're all here again, why don't you rip my heart out and end this suffering, or do you guys just can't stop watching a freak show?" She gritted her teeth and feeling her vampirism showing again, she suddenly turns her head to Elena, "you, cry baby, maybe I should kill you first before I die," she smirks, "love, as much as I despise her, I'd like to not to kill anyone, not today at least," Kol suddenly stands between them.

He looks around at the scooby gang, "why don't you all go back to the living room, I will have a little chat with my grand, umm, niece I guess, at the meantime, Nik and Elijah, why don't you two fill them in with some story time?" He smiles at them Elijah nodded then looks at Klaus, "I think it's time for everyone to know the truth Niklaus, don't you think?" He gestured everyone to go upstairs as he speaks to Niklaus.

After everyone is back in the living room, Kol closed the door and looks at her with anger in his eyes, "don't give me that look Kol, I heard that you were a psychotic maniac before you met Davina," she chuckles lightly, "a lot has happened since you last saw me Kol, let me guess, was I five, or maybe even younger," she narrows one of her eyes looking at Kol. "You were six Evalynn, I told you we are going to find a cure for this, even it requires you to be a normal vampire." Evalynn feels confused again after hearing his word.

"A normal vampire?" She looks at him asking him to explain more, "there's only one option at the moment, your lover boy can siphon all the magic out of you, then you will be a vampire who feeds on humans again," he spilled the truth, "and speaking of your lover boy, why did you push him away, I can tell you still love him, so why?" He asks her curiously, "god, you love gossips more than Klaus, first, I don't want to be a blood sucker no offense, I'd rather be a witch, and second, you're right, I do love him, but the last thing he needs in his life is me, death follows me around, don't you see, Kol, I'm bad news." She almost choked up but she pushes the feelings down quickly.

Kol chuckles, then leans in to face her, "darling, I can tell you two are made for each other, trust me I've seen worse, you are far from being a bad news, you just happened to be surrounded with the wrong people, but that doesn't means you caused anyone's death or misfortune. He deserves to makes his own decisions after knowing the truth." Kol suddenly acts like a mature uncle for once, "I'm just, scared that he will leave me, everyone I loved left me," she suddenly said with a tears dropping on her lap.

He wipes the tear off her face softly, "hey, I promise you he won't, if he did, I will kill him myself." They both chuckles at the same time, "you should visit New Orleans sometimes, Klaus had a daughter, her name is Hope Mikaelson, she is turning 1 this year, I feel like she will love you," Kol grins, "wait what?" She couldn't believe what she heard just now. "Wow, I'm definitely gonna go see her after this, how did it happen?" She tilts her head up, "loophole, what can I say!" Kol laughs like a child.

Back at the living room, Klaus and Elijah told them everything about Evalynn's family, "how is that even possible?" Kai said, "relax, we're in Mystic Falls, everything is possible!" Klaus said with amusement in his voice, "so is she a part of the Gemini Coven?" Liv asks with question marks written all over her face. "I'm not sure, brother?" Klaus turns to Elijah, "no, when Malachai turned himself, nothing happened to her, therefore, no she's not." Elijah points at Kai then turns back to Liv, "anything else?" He looks at everyone, they all shook their head and keep processing all the informations.

Kol joined everyone in the living room, Stefan and Damon decides to keep an eye on her in the cell, meanwhile everyone else is searching for every piece of information they can find, Klaus even had someone searching for the cure back in New Orleans, but so far, they haven't found anything useful yet, it's safe to say that James somehow managed to created a whole new breed, the ones can wipe out the entire supernatural beings.

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