Bonus Chapter 3:

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"Diana hurry up! We are gonna be late for the Christmas dinner!" Evalynn yells from the bedroom, "can you believe it my baby girl is growing up so fast?" Kai says laying on the bed, Evalynn zips up her dress and turns around to face him, "really, you've been saying this since she was 2 and now she is 16." Kai rolls his eyes at his wife's comment, "all I'm saying is she is still that little girl who was crawling on the floor to me," Kai puts his hand in the air, "you're gonna be a lot more fun when she's dating," Evalynn says while putting on her earring, "haha hilarious," Kai fakes a laughter then his face turns more serious, "please tell me she won't date anyone in, at least 10 years." "Jeez go ask her yourself."

They are gonna have a Christmas dinner at the Caroline's, the whole gang will be there, Damon and Elena got back into Mystic Falls a few days ago, so is Liv, Hope and Lizzie will be there too, Diana is super excited to meet them again. Kai is wearing a burgundy sweater with a pair of black jeans, Evalynn is wearing a red mini dress, as for Diana, she's wearing a red crop top with a pair of black ripped jeans, then she chose her favorite black coat. "How are you not cold sweetie?" Kai furrows his brows asking the girl who's standing in front of him, "because I'm not dad." She gives him a fake smile, "cute attitude." Kai shakes his head.

Evalynn knocks on Caroline's door after arriving 5 minutes late to the dinner, "hi Care, please don't kill me," she hugs Caroline and they starts giggling together, "hey auntie Care!" Diana gives Caroline a big hug, "you are so much taller now, wow!" Caroline grins wider. "Come on in, and I miss you Kai." She gives the heretic a warming hug too even she knows he is not a hugging person.

"Merry Christmas!" Elena says while running towards Evalynn, "Elena! Merry Christmas and how is New York?" Evalynn almost shouted due to her excitement, "it's been amazing, you should visit us sometimes, oh Diana you are beautiful," Elena's gaze turns to Diana, the last time she saw her is probably when Diana was 14, two years can change a lot for a teenager, "hey auntie Elena, where is Damon?" Diana's eyes searched a bit behind Elena but didn't find her uncle Damon, "miss me?" A smirk appears on Damon's face while he walks down the stairs, "isn't this my favorite little witch plus siphon in town," Damon gives Diana a friendly hug before she went to find the rest of the gang.

Liv is sitting on the couch watching the Grinch along with Jo, Alaric, Lizzie and Hope, "my little niece!" Liv shot up from the couch, "come here, we are watching the Grinch," Jo pats the space next to her, Diana runs to the couch and sit in the middle of them, Hope is sitting next to the round table on the floor eating some candies with Lizzie next to her, "do you want some?" Hope looks up to Diana, "I got jelly shots." Lizzie says next, "yes to the jelly shots and the candies!" Hope and Lizzie unloads half of the snacks they have to onto Diana's palms. After a while, Jo and Alaric went to helps out with everyone in the kitchen.

"Dad! They are playing your film on the TV, come and watch!" Diana shouts from the living room, Diana covers her mouth with her hand tries to hide her giggles while exchanging looks with Hope and Lizzie, half of the gang came to the living room along with Kai, they are all waiting for the little show. "Ha the Grinch, well done kiddo," Alaric said while laughing, "you really do got the grumpy vibe mate," Enzo pats Kai's shoulder, "he's right," Stefan backs Enzo up, "although I do think the Grinch talks less," Bonnie shakes her head in amusement, Kai clenches his jaws and sent a death glare to Diana's direction.

Liv and Jo just keeps giggling, "Diana is my favorite Parker now," Liv said playfully, "I'm still here." Evalynn rolls her eyes, "is this because I banned you from dating," Kai groans, "what? Buddy you're ridiculous, she's 16 she can date," Damon rolls his eyes, "see! Even uncle Damon says I can date! And thank you Damon! I love you!" Diana looks at Damon with her puppy eyes, "love you too kiddo." Damon gives her a smile before walking back to the kitchen with Elena in her arms.

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