- derek

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derek & the boys when

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derek & the boys when ....


You and Derek have an amazing sex life but you wanted to spice it up bit. You had just gotten out the shower and plopped next to derek on y'all's bed. He put his arm around you and you let your head rest on his chest.

"I have an idea.." You started, "Please don't be mad or weird about it."

"Alright. What is it?" He ask in that deep voice of his.

"I was thinking maybe we can spice up our sex. If you're down with that." You sat up a little and looked up at him.

"You peaked my interest. What'd you have in mind?" He ask.

You bit the inside of your cheek slightly.


"Let me get this straight. Y/n said, she wants to have a threesome? With us?" Hotch couldn't believe his ears.

"I think you mean foursome. If we were to accept, then it would be me, you, derek, and y/n." Spencer as usual, correct Hotch.

They both glanced back at derek and he just shrugged.

"Her wish is my command." Derek moved towards the exit of the conference room, "Just think about it." And with that, he left the not so smiley and skinny, yet hot agents alone with their thoughts.

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