- cat

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cat when

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cat when....


You two were bunk buddies at the prison. Some bad stuff went down and she took you down with her. While you were locked up, your team was trying to find a way to get you out.

You sat on your bed while reading a book. Cat had just walked back in you guy's block. She sat on her bed across from you. She stared at you for a second before speaking.

"So I heard the BAU is trying to get you out." She began.

"Is that right?" You didn't even care to look up. You just kept on reading your book.

"You can't ever go back. Prison changes people. The best thing for you is staying locked up in here."

You finally glanced from your book and closed it. You scooted to the edge and leaned in, "And end up like you? Yeah, I'll take my chances." You rose up and began walking elsewhere.

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