Narnia- A wardrobe, really Zhang? Part two

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Piper's POV:

"Eloise!" The rider exclaims. "Let these poor people go, and let Narnia have them,  although you help the Elves, I need to get them safetly to the castle."

"Oh, wonderful, my amazing sister has decided to show up and help you. Emma Isabella Alexia Bennett! Greet them on the ground."

The rider steps down off her chariot and comes to stand next to her sister. With a snap of her fingers, the rope breaks and we scramble out of the way.

Emma, the rider, is dressed in white with red and blue in her cloak. Like her sister, she carries a bow and her quiver is on her back. She carries a weapons belt with daggers and knives.

These sisters have probably been fighting, or training for a long time.

"Greetings Eloise Leila Arianna Bennett. And greetings to the Seven Saviours." Emma says, continuing to stare at her sister. "Why are the Elves involved in their passage to Cair Paravel?" She questions.

" If you must know, we have gifts to give them." Eloise says.

" What are the gifts? Grand General of the Elves." Emma asks with a lot of sarcasam.

" You will see soon Grand General of the Narnian Court." And Eloise snaps her fingers, which leads to two warriors dropping from the branches with weapons in their arms. I did not see them before, so Elves are creatures to watch out for in Narnia, they blend in with the trees very well.

I know, most people freak out when in the presance of Elves but with me being the daughter of a Goddess, I am pretty sure I am prepared for anything else unusual. I want make sure that they are both not evil, but I am not sure if my charmspeak will work, so I stay quiet.

"Come forward Frank Zhang." Eloise says, motioning for him to come forwards. Before I can ask how she knows his name, Frank asks.

" We Elves know many things." She answers. When Frank is standing in front of her, she takes a box that was resting in one if the Elves hands.

"Frank Zhang, the Elves of Lantern Waste present to you this fine bow, used by an Elven king long ago." She announces " Come forward Hazel Levesque." Hazel steps towards Eloise, and Frank comes back to where we are standing.

"Hazel Levesque, the Elves of Lantern Waste present to you this dagger. It was used by a beautiful maiden Elf." She says, and calls Leo forwards. He steps up to her scared. I guess he is recalling Calypso because he is sad and he does not look at Eloise.

"Leo Valdez, we present to you this sword, it was used by a fair prince, who moved to Telmar." Having no idea where Telmar is, Leo shrugs it off and walks back to where he was standing.

"Piper McLean, the Elves of Lantern Waste present you with a hatal. A spear used by the last queen of the Elves." I thank her, and look at the spear. It is a shiny white, and the end is sharp and pointy. Yes, I have not used a spear before, but so what, always a time for firsts, right?

I step back to where Leo is standing, and I see Annabeth step forwards.

"To Annabeth Chase, we present you this crossbow, made by Eöl. It is very powerful. And these arrows, forged by the Elves of Lantern Waste." She steps back, letting Jason take her place.

"To Jason Grace, the Elves of Lantern Waste give you this knife. It was used by a great Elven king."

"And you, Percy Jackson, we give you this sword.This magor was used by High King Peter." She concludes. Percy steps back in line, and we all stare at the sisters. Nobody speaks, so I say "Thank you, and the rest of the Elves for the generous gifts."

Eloise nods, and turns to Emma, "Get them saftley to the castle." Emma nods, and they both turn to us.

"Farewell, I wish you luck, and I know that we will meet again." Eloise says. Her and her Elves walk away, leaving us with Emma.

"Hello." She says " I hope you are all safe."

We all nod, and she grins, happy that no one got hurt.

"Well, as you know, I am Emma, Grand General of Narnia, and I am also called the Transporter. I will explain everything, but first things first, a history lesson. Long ago, four from your world came to ours. They had a prophecy that stated that they must save Narnia. And they did. Then, after the Golden Age, times went bad. Shadows filled every room, wars were fought, and paths were not safe to travel on. In the time of need, a new prophecy was stated.

The Seven Saviours will come,
Three daughters of Eve and four sons,
A new Age they will make,and dark times will be gone,
Through our worlds they will bring a new bond,
Taking the throne, one will be chosen,
Then Narnia will not be broken.

Eloise and I also have a prophecy to fulfill. She became the Grand General of the Elves, and I was sent to the Narnian court. Eloise and I are a mix of Elf and elemental. This means that those ropes that I broke, were really breaking themselves. Anyways, I am also the only way of safe passage in Narnia. Humans traveling with me will be safe."

After Emma's speech, Leo says "Just a wardrobe? Really Zhang?"



This one, you readers can continue with your own creativity and imagination. If I get enough votes ( 10 ) or if I get enough comments (5) telling me to continue this, I will. I do like this idea and would enjoy continuing it if you guys want me to.

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