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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

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I didn't get much work done. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to read out of a textbook on my bed so late at night. I swore I was only going to shut my eyes for a minute. Yet before I knew it, I passed out with my large headphones still on. My ears felt a bit sore, but I was completely worn out.

I left the apartment early in the morning without any knowledge of Harry and August. I'm sure she's fine, right? I texted her on the bus, letting her know I left for my internship but she hasn't responded. Knowing her, she's probably still asleep.

And not dead, I hope.

I walk into the Fine Line Designs building with Niall's coffee order in my hand. I learned his order from when he told another intern it on my first day. Although he didn't ask for it, I thought treating him in coffee was a start to getting on his good side. I desired to be liked by him.

"Morning! I really like your coat." I'm greeted and complimented by the pretty receptionist at the front desk.

I look down with a forming smile as I double-check what I had on. She likes the long leather coat I decided to wear under LA's abnormal cloudy weather. I paired it with my favorite pair of mom jeans and cropped top underneath. Simplicity is very much in.

"Oh, thank you! I love your hair," I compliment back. Her blonde hair has so much volume in it. I'm simply amazed by it.

"Thank you, girl! I love your hair, too. Say, how do you get it slicked back like that?! Every time I try, my hair doesn't stay down."

I smile and step closer to the front desk. I can't help myself from conversing with the kind girl. "Coconut oil, lots of hairspray, a comb, and a toothbrush. That's literally all you need," I tell her, informing her about the way I achieved my slicked back bun.

"A toothbrush?" She giggles.

"Not the one you use to brush your teeth, of course. But, yes! It gets rid of the flyaways beautifully... I'm Jo, by the way."

She gives me a pearly white smile before saying, "I'm Nicole. You're an intern, right?"

I nod at Nicole. I then remember I'm holding Niall's hot coffee. "Yes, I am! Um, I should probably start my intern duties. It was nice meeting you, Nicole."

"Likewise, Jo!"

I start walking away with a smile over the fact that I might've made a new friend. I won't be seeing the other three interns I met on the first day for the rest of my time at FLD. Each of us were split up, being assigned different days and hours throughout the week. There's no way in knowing which intern is impressing Niall or his mother—who I have yet to meet—the most. That is what makes me anxious. How will I know if I'm shining or not?

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