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Chapter 11


What I've been searching for my whole life, I think I've found it.

I float in the blue underneath a somber sky. My arms are extended and I hum as the ocean water beneath rocks me with its light motion waves. It feels good to not sink for once.

I'm not alone. As I lift my chin to keep me afloat, I find the most viridescent eyes looking down at me. He floats near my head. I exhale as he presses his thumbs gently against my temples. I close my eyes as I feel even more at peace.

"Do you like that?"

His low-toned voice only makes me hum in response. "I do," I whisper back. It feels so good.

"You poor thing."

I open my eyes when I hear the opposite of a soothing voice. Dark eyes and an evil stare take the place of a piercing man. I don't have time to react because my head had been pushed underwater.

I try to kick and scream but the cold saltwater stings as it seeps its way into my lungs. I become no match to the ocean and the devil.

I sit up in a gasp after being startled. I bring a hand onto my chest, completely relieved I wasn't actually being drowned. It was just a dream—a peaceful one that turned into a damn nightmare. I push my hair back as I then look around in utter confusion.

Wait, where the fuck am I?

Before I let myself spiral, I look down to find myself in the same clothes as the day before. I let out a breath of relief when I see that only my shoes are off. Though I soon frown when I have no memory of ending up in an extravagant bedroom like this one.

The devil in my nightmare. Dante. With a blink of an eye, he had replaced the calming Harry in my wild vivid dream.

I could only remember being yanked up onto my feet by Dante. I feel myself grow anxious all over again. Am I in his bedroom? Why the fuck can't I remember a thing? Should I be terrified?

I reach for my bag when I find it near the end of the bed. I look inside it to see if I had all my stuff. When I find my phone, I grab it.

Please, don't be dead.

I hold down a button and find out my phone isn't dead after all. "C'mon, c'mon," I mumble to it as if it will completely turn on any faster. I jump off the bed and grab my shoes when I see them on the floor. Ahead of me, a tall window from the floor up to the ceiling allows in fresh daylight. For a minute, I stand there.

If I'm in another country right now-

I slowly walk closer to check. I let out a breath of relief when I recognize Los Angeles. It's a beautiful view, but it isn't time to absorb it when I still don't know where the fuck I am.

I turn around and find double-doors that might lead to my way out of here. Quickly, with a toss of my bag onto my shoulder, I put my shoes on. I tie them up, but not to my liking. I don't have time to make a perfect double-knot. I might have to retie my floppy laces up later.

I make it out the door and frown when I'm met with a hall. To my left, past the staircase to my possible freedom, a door is wide open. Cherry Bomb by The Runaways is blasting from that room at the end of the hall.

"Fuck!" I then hear over the loud music.

Harry. By now, I recognize his voice anywhere.

I let out a shaky breath and make my way towards the door. I need answers as to why I'm here and why I can't remember a thing.

I stop at the doorway as I'm met with a home gym. I see Harry in an element I haven't before. He's without a shirt as he stands near a punching bag. I could almost see the beads of sweat rolling down his bareback. I'm surprised to see his back isn't coated in tattoos the way both his arms are.

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