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a/n: i've been accused of robbing content from some of you in the previous chapter. well, take that back! if you're interested, i posted a JO x CUTE GIRL one shot available to read only in my book clandestine meetings under the chapter "my drug is my baby"... love you!!


After reuniting Sage with her mother in Mexico, Jo and Harry checked into the resort they are to be staying at for the entire weekend. Temptation, drinks, and unresolved feelings lead to an intoxicating night of only each other. Now Jo remains on a whirlwind of emotions, still searching for clarity after being told her grandfather was the leader of a gang and Dante's rival. Harry, on the other hand, is finally opening up about his struggles growing up as a child to drug addicts and as a kid in a system who remained unwanted.

Chapter 46

I must've fallen into the deepest sleep of my life. I don't recall shifting in the middle of the night into the current position I'm in. With my legs tangled with his and an arm across his bare torso, I lift my head from off his shoulder. He remains asleep with a head tilted towards the sliding door. The curtains dim the room, keeping fresh daylight from seeping in.

He breathes underneath my palm that rests above his chest. I then let my hand slip towards the tattooed butterfly. I hadn't realized Harry was breathing abnormally until I felt his skin hot. "Hey," I whisper when his jaw tightens. I then shook at his body that remained in a deep sleep. He must be having a bad dream, I conclude. "Harry, wake up."

Eyes shoot open when sucking in a breath. A bit dazed, he looks around while ultimately meeting my stare. "Fuck," he curses while I push the covers off of us. I noticed he was sweating.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. "Were you having a bad dream?"

"Sage... I had a bad dream about Sage," he openly says and I didn't expect him to.

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?" I raise an eyebrow as my fingers reach for the strands of hair matted to his forehead. Clearing it, I look into his eyes.

There's hesitance to share behind his eyes. He then says, "She was screaming for my help... and it sounded so real."

I place my hand above his chest again, forming a pout on my lips when I learn what he dreamt of. "Well, that's all it was. A bad dream. She's alright," I try to comfort, but the frown on his face remains. I then watch as he sits up.

"It's just- She hasn't called, Jo." Just as he's about to get out of bed to find his phone, I slide my hand over his arm. I keep him from leaving.

"It hasn't been a full twenty-four hours, yet," I remind him. "She's with her mom, Harry. She's probably already home. Sleeping or busy trying to catch up or settle in... Sage will call you, eventually."

"How are you so sure?" He mumbles as if he didn't intend for me to hear him.

"The girl said she would never forget you... Trust me. With the attachment she formed on you, she's going to call."

Harry looks at me through my assurance. Slowly, he comes back down to lie next to me again. "Alright, fine," he whispers.

To ease his nerves, I then suggest, "I can call Araceli for you later? To see if they made it home alright. Still have her number, remember?"

He nods. What I've said had made a dimple dig into his cheek from a tight-lipped smile.

Nodding in return, I then say, "Good... I think I'm going to jump in the shower now." I bring myself up into a sit. He stops me from going this time when sliding a hand above mine.

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