The Beginning of The End

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"Don't point at me. And I have a fucking name, so address me as such. Thanks." I told her. It sounded harsher than I intended it to be, but I got my point across.

Taylor looked back at me and I got up, leading Eleanor into the house with me. I told her we had to talk and she silently agreed, pretty much. We went to Niall's living room and sat down on the couch. She looked at me and I sighed. I looked at the floor trying to think of what to say to her.

Eleanor honestly wasn't a bad person. She just wasn't the person I really wanted. I wanted someone who made it all complicated, but was totally worth it. I wanted someone who didn't worry about looking like an idiot with me because he knew that I knew he was a goofball. I wanted someone who woke up in the morning and could make me smile as soon as I saw them. And it just wasn't her. It was Harry. And I hated to be the bad guy right now.

"So..." she said breaking the silence. I looked at her now. I licked my lips.

"So you know." I said. She nodded and I bit my lip. This was an awkward situation to be in and I never thought that I would be in this situation.

"I don't really have anything to say to you..." she told me. That scared me. "But I'm not mad at you..."

Wait, what?

"You're not?" I asked. She smiled and shrugged a bit.

"Not really...I mean, I was just here because of Management anyways, no?"

"Well..." I sighed. I wouldn't say that to her...but then again... "Yes? Kind of. I actually liked you, Eleanor. It's just---"

"You couldn't love me."

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. I honestly felt kinda bad. I didn't mean for all of this to happen the way it did. I really didn't.

"Stop beating yourself up over it. It happened. It's fine. I'm not going to, like, follow you around with a knife and threaten your life or something." she laughed. It made me smile. It was refreshing that she wasn't screaming at me and telling me I was a loser and whatnot. She was actually really cool about this.

"Let's hope not." I laughed. She nudged my arm. I placed my hand where she nudged me.

"Good luck with Management, though. Once this gets out, you guys are pretty much fucked, no pun intended." she joked. Oh, here she goes poking at me and making jokes now. Ha ha.

"I know. Thanks for not killing me." I said. She smiled and I scooted closer to hug her. She hugged me back and was really sweet about it. I smiled. I let her go and she got up. I looked at her.

"I'm going to go. I'll see you."

"Yeah..." I assured her. She walked out and I looked at my hands in my lap. I got lucky. She could've totally lost it on me. I could only imagine what Harry was dealing with right now.

Harry came into the house just as Eleanor was leaving. Coming in not too far behind him were the rest of the guys. Harry sat beside me and Niall, Zayn, and Liam pulled up chairs. Niall sighed and shrugged a bit.

"So...interesting revelations..." Niall said.

"You weren't supposed to say anything..." I said, turning to Harry. He looked at me instantly and he looked like he really felt bad.

"I know. I'm sorry." he told me.

"So when did all of this happen exactly?" Liam asked. "Did you even think as to what you were going to tell your supposed girlfriends? Oh, correction, I mean ex girlfriends."

"Not for me." I spoke up. Everyone looked at me now. I felt my face flush.

"What?" Harry asked in almost a whisper. I shrugged.

"We didn't break up." I repeated, not wanting to really go through the conversation again. Harry just kept looking at me and I didn't know what could possibly be going through his head right now.

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