The Worrier

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‘Come on, Bradley!’ George whined loudly, making me wince as his voice echoed around the car. ‘It’ll be fun!’

‘George,’ I replied, drawing his name out as I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel impatiently, glaring at the red light. ‘I’m not going to Vegas with you.’

‘But I think I’ve figured the whole card counting thing out,’ he complained. ‘Honestly, we could become millionaires within a few hours!’

My phone had slid too far away on the dashboard to turn down the volume. I don’t know why I’d even answered his call in the first place. I hated talking on loudspeaker with him because he always ended up yelling either in excitement or anger. On this call it had been both.

‘We'd end up arrested within a few minutes of boarding the plane if I travelled anywhere with you,’ I snorted, finally moving forward as the light turned green.

‘I’m going to ask Raegan then. She’d definitely go. You know, sometimes I think she’s more fun than you!’

‘You can’t just whisk my girlfriend away on a vacation,’ I complained. ‘We haven’t even gone away together yet!’

‘How have you not been away?’ he demanded. ‘Even me and Tara flew to New York to check out the college she’s going to. All I can say is bagels – overrated. Pizza – underrated.’

‘I don’t know. We’ve just been-'

‘All loved up,’ George cut in. ‘Is she back from her parents’? I want to see her this weekend, I haven’t seen her for two whole weeks!’

‘Because she hates you,’ I replied dryly, turning down my street. ‘I’ve got to go, George,’ I added, spotting her car parked outside. ‘Talk to you later.’

‘Ask her about Vegas or I will!’ he yelled, hanging up before I could reply.

I rolled my eyes and parked up behind Raegan’s car before retrieving my phone from the dashboard. George was really very inspired lately – more so than usual. He’d wanted to drag us to Cancun for a wild weekend with Jojo last month but we’d managed to get out of it. For now. I was pretty sure he was going to force me to go for my birthday whether I wanted to or not.

I quickly locked my phone and hopped out, relieved to just be able to relax for an evening with Raegan. She’d been helping her parents pack all week as they were moving a couple of hours away because her dad had gotten a new contract with some company that made microchips for phones.

I think she felt she needed to help seeing as she wouldn’t be going with them officially. She’d flat out refused to move away from Richmond even though her mom really wanted her to go with them. Raegan was far too independent to go along with her wishes, though. She even refused to talk to me for a whole day when I calmly suggested that maybe she should go with her parents at least for a while. I didn’t want her to move away from me but she was only eighteen. Most people still lived with their parents at that age. Then again, she wasn’t most people.

I was glad she’d be staying in Richmond. Even though, I was sure her mom was actually kind of annoyed at me too as she suspected I was the reason why Raegan wanted to stay. She wasn’t wrong. But I’m sure I wasn’t the only reason Raegan wanted to stay here. She had a lot of friends here too and the job to make money for now while she figured out what she wanted to do.

I fumbled for my keys in my pocket and almost came face to face with Remi when I opened the front door.

‘Holy-' I exclaimed, jumping back in surprise. ‘What the hell are you doing?’

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