A Rose's Thorns

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"Steven, I think I've met your mom." You close your eyes awaiting any sort of reaction.




"...whaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAT?" That was not the voice you were expecting to hear first. You are greeted with a flabbergasted Pearl. "Human child, you have to be confusing Rose with someone else. There is no possible and logical way for you to have met her." Steven moved away from you, looking to the side. You could see the hurt forming on his features.

"Yeah, (Y/N)...if this is some sort of joke, that's really mean of you." Even Connie looks a bit disappointed in you. Your arms go flailing as you feel yourself get frustrated.

"No, I promise, I'm being serious! This is why I didn't want to say anything, because I know it sounds crazy, but there is something going on with my dreams...and I swear, I swear she is someone who keeps appearing in them." You sigh and look towards Pearl. "I'm pretty sure I have seen you too!" Pearl let out an annoyed tsk.

"Oh, this is nonsense. You are merely a human child. There is no way that you could have met her! She has been gone for over 13 years now!" You could see how frustrated Pearl was starting to get and you didn't want to make her even more upset, however, you did not like being told that you were wrong. Why would you make something like this up? How would you even be able to fabricate such a story about people/gems you barely know! You noticed the purple gem casually making her way towards you.

"Listen, (Y/N) was it? I would say it is probably in your best interest not to bring Rose up around this one...she tends to get a little um...nuts. Yeah, let's go with nuts." She whispered in your ear. You groaned in annoyance. No one is taking you seriously. What would it take for them to just, listen to you?



"Wait so you're telling me...you saw two different gems...fuse?"

You immediately jolted forward, staring straight into Pearl's eyes."Pearl, are you sure you don't need to get your eyes checked." There was a sharp silence in the room, which disappeared and filled with a burst of loud laughter. The purple gem seemed to be cracking up at your question, while Pearl had turned a shade of red that you had never seen before. She started to stalk towards your direction and you felt like you were shriveling up into a little ball.

"I don't know who you think you are but I will not sta-"

"Wait!" You yelped. "I'm not done!" You took a deep breath. "It was quite the sight, Rose can't stop talking about it. And I mean who could blame her? I had never seen or even heard of anything like that before up until the other day. But, you should have seen it was honestly so beautiful." Pearl's anger seemed to vanish, and a wave of confusion washed over her. She slowly backed away from you.

"Wh-What are you saying? Where did you hear that?"

"I-I bet you'd like to fuse with Rose now, wouldn't you?" You felt a hand immediately clasp over your mouth.

"A-Alright! That is certainly enough of that! Nobody else heard that!" You took a moment to gaze around the room. Connie could not have been even more lost, while Steven seemed a little unsettled. The purple gem was continuously laughing, which had only gotten more aggressive as soon as you had exposed the now blushing Pearl. The only one who didn't seem to have any sort of reaction was the tall brooding one, who hadn't said anything since they all originally arrived earlier. You moved Pearl's arm away from your mouth.

"Now do you believe me? I would never be the type of person to lie about this kinda thing. It honestly all sounds crazy!" You turn to look towards everyone. "Listen, I have only been having these types of episodes while I have been sleeping, and even that is still relatively new. But today was the first time they happened in broad daylight, and it happened twice! The first time happened when I saw Steven's gem, and I ended up seeing his mom, and the second one happened as soon as I saw your gem, Pearl, and then I ended up seeing a vision of you! So if anyone could possibly tell me why this keeps happening, I figured it might be the ones that keep appearing in my head! I thought it could be you!" You felt tears forming in your eyes. Connie wrapped her arms around you, trying to calm you down. "Please, I just need something...please tell me you know something?"

The Tale of Two Hybrids [Steven Universe x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now