Chapter 1

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Karai POV

I was in the dojo sparring with the foot bots that the kraang had created for our foot clan here since Rahzar failed to give us lame ass ninjas.

I was finishing off with three of them until fishface came in to tell my father is calling for me.
I smirked and round house kick one footbot and it flew across the room.

Fishface just rolled his eyes and we walked to the other room.

I saw my father sitting down in his chair and I went to go bow to him.

"What is it that you wanted to speak to me about Father"

"Karai, I wanted to inform you that your sister Sakura is coming ina few hours and she will help us destroy the turtles and splinter."

I smirked and thought it was a fantastic idea.
" that's great news father she will help us with the turtles"

Everyone that was in the room had a shocked look in their face. " Master Shredder I thought you only had one daughter " said tigerclaw.

"Father doesn't mention her because she is a freak like you guys"I said. Fish face gave me a dirty when I called them a freak but I don't give a crap.
" what kinda mutant is she" Rahzar said.
Right after my father was gonna answer we heard a fight coming from the other room and one of the footbots head was thrown to us.

"Sorry to make a dramatic entrance but that's what I'm known for"
It was Sakura.

Sakura POV.
I was on top of the ceiling where it had a little cliff. I did a front flip and Landed on my feet. I saw Karai rolling her eyes I just chuckled. I was walking towards Karai and I saw three mutants that was a fish, a tiger and a big black dog. They were low key checking me out but I don't care I'm not here for love or any of that I have a job to do.

"Way to make an entrance " Karai said smirking and her arms crossed.

" you know how I roll big sis, it's so good to see you sis" I said while hugging her. She hugged back.

"Sakura, come to me" said shredder
I went to walk over to him and bowed to my knees. " Father it is good to see you again" I said.
" Same as well daughter, how did you get here so early." He asked in concern.
" I swam as fast as I could because the captain had to make a stop to Florida. But suddenly the ship sank down." I said smirking. Maybe I had something to do with it lol.

" I brought you Sakura so you ca-"
" yeah I know father you told me in the let-" he threw his first and his chair.
"You will talk when you are told too!" I stayed quiet cause I knew he wouldn't kick my ass or even cut me with his knives.
He explained to me once again and then the fish guy asked shredder a question.

" Master Shredder I don't see why you bring another female that Is probably Pathetic as your other daughter"

My eyes widen and saw Karai face turned red for embarrassment. Nobody talks bout my sister like that.
"Sakura you know what to do" Shredder told me and he smirked.

"Gladly Father" I got up n pulled out my butterfly knife n threw it at him and it pinned his had to the wall.
He screamed in pain I chuckled and started walking towards him.  I took out my pistol and pointed it at his head. He was groaning in pain.

" sees that you never heard of me. You know what they call me back in Japan" I said to him.

" nooo no I don't what do they cal you " he said with fear.
" they call me the Akuma. Meaning the devil. I'll make your life hell if you ever say stupid shit like that again about me and my sister. Be happy that Your still alive but if you never worked my father I would've taken your last breath " I said kinda in a evil flirty way. I pulled out my knife from his hand and blood came out of his hand and he screamed in pain. I knew tiger claw kept staring at me with a smirk.

This cat better not fall for me.
" okay Father tell me the plan so we can capture your enemy and his students."
" Hamato Yoshi does not come out of his lair where ever it is his ninjas come out at night but they are a challenge to get." He said.

" Trust me father nothing is a challenge. Do they know anyone or their weaknesses. Where they go." I said.

" their friends is a girl name April O Neil and and Casey Jones." Said Karai
" Okay we figure where do go we capture them and you warn them and tell his students to come for them and we'll make a trade from there." I said to my father he smirked and said very well.

" you'll shall leave tonight with the foot and Karai" my father said.

I nodded and went to go to my room to unpack my stuff. For some reason tiger claw came in .
" haven't you ever heard of knocking" I said already irritated.
" just wanted to say you look hot when you were scaring the shit out of fishface." He said I was already getting heated. Not only did he call me hot but this guy is so much older then me and I'm not here for games.

" I could do the same thing to you As well" I said to him and walking towards him.
" me and you we are the same. We should work together and be a perfect team." He said with a smirk.
I started laughing and told him " me and you aren't the same and I work alone and it is going to continue like that I only work for my father not some kitty who can't even get the job done." As I kept walking towards him he kept backing up.
" by the way your way out of league" I said winking at him and closed the door at his face.

Dam I'm so tired I decided to take a quick nap because I do the mission.
I cannot wait to capture the enemy and to make him suffer.

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