Chapter 2

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Leonardo POV.
Me and my brothers are on patrol tonight to look for the cans of muteguen that we sortttaa have them around the city. Some stuff had changed. Karai and I stopped talking idk why I had a crush on her maybe she was the only girl and only one I found attractive too. But she is the enemy and I don't have time for girls.

Don't wanna end up like Donnie. Lmao
" alright team we gotta find that muteguen before another person or animal gets to it." I said with Binoculars trying to see a can of the green gooze.

" Give It a rest Leo" Raph said with a irritated voice.
" what's wrong raph you've been moody this whole time." Donnie said.
" wow you barely realizing it Sherlock " raph said and Donnie rolled his eyes.
"Hey Leo I see April and Casey let's go say hi" Mikey said leaning to the edge of the roof

I saw April and Casey I think they were gonna go the hockey ring. I saw Donnie's face and he seemed really irritated by the fact these two were together.
But suddenly I saw in the other rooftops I saw people... it was the foot! It seem they were gonna attack April and Casey.
" guys look the foot! They're gonna attack April and Casey "I said.
"Finally some action. Imma beat the crap outta these footbots" said raph taking out his sais

" Let's go men" I said and we took off.

Sakura Pov

Karai and the rest of the foot clan were behind me while we were jumping roof to roof on the buildings. We stopped and to see if the ninjas friends were around. We stopped to keep a lookout.
" so tell me sister. How good are these students of Hamato Yoshi " I asked Karai.
" they are good very good but they aren't like other ninjas, they all have their very Technique of fighting and better yet their mutants." She said.
I was pretty shock. 'I wonder how many mutants are there in this city ' I thought To myself.
" Look there they are" pointed fishface.
"Alright you know what to do."Karai said
I was gonna wait up here in case they needed help. I saw tiger claw Still standing here and kept looking at me. " you know what do. Go" I said giving him a Death glare. If I wasn't working for my father I would've killed his ass already.

Leo POV.
We saw the clan attacking our friends and went down there to safe them. Raph was fighting with fishface, Mikey was fighting with Rahzar, and Donnie was fighting tiger claw but needed some help. I saw clans were taking April and Casey to the van but threw a round house kick at the foot soldiers.
" are you guy's alright " I asked them trying to untie the ropes off them.

" yeah we're goo-. LEO WATCH OUT" April said. I turned around and see Karai and she threw a upper cut and I was walking backwards. I shook my head from the pain and seeing her taking out her katana.
" it's good too see you again leo" she said with a smirk.
I grunted to my teeth and starting running to attack her. She kept blocking every move I was hitting her with.
" what do you want from April and Casey Karai" I said while our swords were clashing together

" I don't want em I'm just following orders from shredder and our new member." She said.

New member?

I round house kicked her she flew back and landed in the ground. She groaned in pain and i pinned her down and had my katana inches away from her throat. "Tell me who's the new member." I yelled at her. All she did was giving me a evil grin that made me really confused. But all of a sudden I heard someone saying "mee!" I turned to see a mutant out of nowhere And hooked kicked me I landed on my shell and was groaning in pain. Everything happen to fast I didn't even get to see who the mutant was. I flutter my eyes open and see the mutant. I was shocked it was a mutant turtle but the most shocking part was she was a girl. She pinned me down with her foot on top of my plastron. She was wearing a masked on face like mine but hers was a dark grey and the back of the mask was a long braid. She was wearing black and a dark grey  but in the middle of her belt was a foot clan symbol. Her eyes were dark hazel but full with fire when I see them. She was beau- what the hell im I saying I don't even know her but yet I'm falling for this girl.

She also looked at me shocked too. She smiled and learned closer to me now her foot was up to my throat. She said " your cute, too bad I have to kill you." She said with a smirk.

All of a sudden she was wacked from donnie's bostaff. She was hit against the wall and got up from the floor. She was really pissed off that she took out a gun. I think it was a pistol.

" what the fuc-, ninjas don't use guns!" Donnie yelled from terror cause she was pointing the gun at him. " then I'm a whole different breed of ninjas" she said.

"DONNIE" I screamed and tackle him down she shot the van instead.

" leo we got April in Casey theyre in the shell raiser" raph said while fighting Karai. I took one last look at the girl and she was gonna shoot me but I said " it's over maybe next time princess" I pulled out a smoke bomb and we all vanished to the shell raiser and drove off.

" are you guys alright" April said she put her hand on donnies shoulder.

" April there's a new mutant from the foot. It was a turtle like us but a fe-e-male. AND SHE ALMOST BLOWN MY BRAINS OFF" Donnie screamed. He was still shocked the fact that girl was really gonna kill him. "She was a whole different version of Karai, no wonder fearless leader was checking her out." Raph said sarcastically. Everyone was laughing i just rolled my eyes and said nothing. My emotions were everywhere I wanted to get to know her but she's the enemy I wanted to know her name but she was gonna kill me. She was hot but what really attracted me was her fighting skills. It was like a whole package for me. Wait what I'm I saying she's the enemy and works for shredder I could never fall for her. But she was still in my head though.

Sakura pov.
" fucking shittt!" I said with anger and freaking punched the wall. None of my targets or enemies have ever gone away or escaped from me. I couldn't believe they were turtles like me. The blue one really caught my eye. His skin tone, his eyes, his muscles, his fighting ski-. What the hell im I doing I cannot fall for the enemy.

" wow nice job of loosing them Sakura." Karai said giving me dirty look.
" shut it Karai, it's your fault for letting them go and having a lousy crew. No worries next time is gonna be way worse and they are gonna pay!" I said. But what really worried me was how my father was going to react when I tell him about the turtles got away.

He's gonna punish me really hard.

(Background music when Leo first saw Sakura)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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