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     Drowning in Love or Sorrow?

If feels so felt so far away for George. Though, it was barely  2 weeks away. In two weeks, he would celebrate Christmas and leave, he didn't want to but he couldn't stay.
It was now the next day, and George only had a week and 4 days left. His head hurt, he just wanted to lay in bed, and never get up. It wasn't his head that really hurt, it was his heart.
Might sound cheesy really, maybe he was living in one of those movies. Maybe he would be happy in the end. Maybe...
It was all just a wish though, a little bit of hope that he was clinging on to for life.
"George? Are you...crying?" Dream looked at his friend, his eyes more curious than concerned. George looked confused,
"Yeah, you are."
Dream lifted his hand onto George's face, wiping the tears off with his thumb.
"Oh...I am." George looked at the other, attempting to look at his eyes but couldn't, looking away.
Dreams hand stayed, his thumb moving down to Georges lips. His lips were dry, but he didn't mind.

"Dream? Are-you okay?" George's eyes finally met his,
"I'm fine George, but are you?" Dream scooted closer to him.
"Of course I am." He smiled,
Dream moved even closer,
"Liar" Dream smiled,
"What-what do you mean?"
Dreams moved his face closer to George's,
"You're lying."
Dream's lips connected his, a shiver ran through George.
He closed his eyes, moving onto his knees. Placing his hand on Dreams face. The kiss felt like something George had never felt.
His lips fit perfectly in Dreams.
He felt like he was drowning, but in what?

"GEORGE!" His head bolted up from the bed,
"You good???" Dream asked,
"I-i" was it just a 'Dream'? It couldn't be, right? It felt so real, George wanted more. He craved it. But.

"You were having a nightmare I think." Dream shrugged,
"A nightmare?"
It was paradise.
"Yeah I think. Do you remember?" George bit his lip, closing his eyes he felt the pressure of Dreams lips on his.
"No, I don't" George respond,
"Mm, okay. Do you wanna get up?"
"Yeah, I need to pee"
Dream laughed, getting out of bed. George followed, going to the washroom.

He splashed his face with water, it felt like ice. His face was hot, his body was hot. Maybe it was because of something else, but he didn't believe it. It was because of the 'Dream' and just Dream.
George placed his hands on the sink, looking up at himself.
He was a mess, he knew it. Though, was it his fault? Not really.
His breath deepened, remembering how his body felt on Dreams, how his lips felt on his. It was everything he ever wanted. Wasn't it? No. George had never felt something for his best friend.
Maybe it because they were always miles apart, never being able to actually touch each other. But now, they could.

"George?" Drista asked from the other side,
"You okay? I have to use the restroom."
He opened the door to see the girl,
"Yeah, sorry,"
"No worries!" She smiled moving past George,

George plopped down on the couch, Dream giving him a cup of coffee. Dream took a seat next to him.
Strange, how George wanted to move closer. Resisting the feeling he smiled,
"Thank you," He took a sip,
"Mhm," Dream hummed, looking at the TV.
"What do you two feel like doing today?"
Before George could say anything Drista hopped in,
"Trampoline park." She smiled at her brother, who rolled his eyes,
"That sounds...Fun." George said facing the TV once again, Dream whipped around.
"Really?" He asked George, like he had lost his mind,
"Yeah" George nodded placing his cup on the side table.

"I can't believe you agreed to this, George." The cars were put to a stop,
"It sounded fun, I haven't been to one of these in a few years!" He defended himself throwing his hands in the air,
"Its so childish, not to mention it smells like sweat." Dream shuddered,
"I'm the child? Seriously?" George rolled his eyes,
"Fine, but we get to do something more fun tonight"

George's face went red, thinking of something he shouldn't have.
"Like what?" George asked, his friend glancing at him, his eyes widening at his friends flushed face.
Dream took this as an advantage,
"What ever you want," He said clicking his tongue
George bit his lips closing his eyes,
"What do you want?"

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