{ N I N E }

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      A/N-How tf are you reading this trash story. 4k people actually like it?? Y'all got bad taste🙄✋

     George's eyes were wide awake, unwilling to falling asleep

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     George's eyes were wide awake, unwilling to falling asleep. He tried his best to keep himself awake by doing different things, editing, reading, catching up on Twitter. Every single part of him wanted to sleep, but he couldn't, only because he didn't want to have another nightmare. Maybe it was stupid, wasting away on stupid feelings.
George would let these so-called feelings eat him alive before he got the chance to admit his feelings to his 'best friend'. The feelings that made him never want to leave Dream's side, the ones that made him want to kiss him every time they got too close, those feelings.
It sounds stupid, and not to mention gross.
Even if he did 'confess' his feelings, how would his parents react to this?
George sat up from the bed, breaking a sweat. How could he let something as stupid as feelings get in the way of his life? I mean he was Georgenotfound, the one who couldn't even say "I love you" and now he wants to kiss him.

George found his eyes getting tired, and he leaned back into the bed. Heat blanketed his body, either the male who slept next to his sides fault or the bed covers.
And then he was awoken during the morning, to footsteps and a door closing.
"If you're trying to be stealthy it isn't working, " George commented rubbing his eyes,
"Did I wake you?" Dream asked, sitting down in a crisscross position on the bed.
"Yeah," George said, smiling,
"You look like shit by the way," Dream said opening his package of gummies.
"Ah, yes. Thank you." George rolled his eyes,
"Mhm, maybe you should go take a shower." Dream said chewing a gummy.
George sighed, pushing himself out of bed.

George got out of the shower putting on some clothes, walking out of the room with wet hair.
"Good afternoon, George!" Dream's mom took a bite of food,
"Afternoon," George said, bored already
"I need to go shopping today, do you need anything?" She asked putting her plate in the dishwasher,
"Not at the moment, thank you."
"I'll take some more gummies." Dream said from behind George,
"Jesus! What the hell" George pushed him away,
"Ayo, what was that for?" George just rolled his eyes,
"Alright, I should get going boys." Dreams mom spoke grabbing her keys,
"Alrighty, my mom!"
"Bye, Hunny."

"Hunny?" George laughed
"Shut the fuck up, George." Dream rolled his eyes,
"Mhm.." George stayed silent,
"I'm bored." He stated, looking around at the house, the Christmas tree shining bright.
"We can't leave the house, it's going to get pretty rainy." Dream shrugged,
"Oh...I see."
"Wanna watch a movie in my room?" Dream asked grabbing the last pack of gummies,
"You have a weird obsession with those. And why not" George moved into the kitchen brushing past Dream.
"I'm picking."
"Why?" George groaned,
"You have a horrible taste In movies."
"Bitch," George mumbled rolling his eyes
He grabbed a glass and filled it with water,
"Let's go," Dream moved up to his room, George following.
"Okay, let's see." Dream plopped down on to his bed, grabbing his remote,
"What's that one?" George asked,
"You haven't watched this?" The screen read 'Five Feet Apart'
"No, I don't think so?" George raised his brow,
"Oh. You're so watching this." Dream smiled, clicking on the movie.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL! YOU CAN'T END A MOVIE LIKE THAT." George yelled, Dream just laughed,
"Is he gonna die?" George asked,
"Who knows" Dream shrugged,
"He was pretty attractive." George started while Dream burst out laughing.
"Hey! He was!" George yelled in defense,
"You have low standards, George" Dream laughed one more time, before calming down.
"Yeah, yeah." George rolled his eyes,

"Hello boys," Dream mom opened the door,
"Oh—Am I interrupting something?" She asked awkwardly,
"Hm? What do you mean, Mom?" Dream lifted his body off of George's. (That sounds wrong. Not like that guys from like his lead laying on George's lap. This sounds even more wrong)
"Ah, nevermind. What would you two like for dinner?"
"Pizza?" Dream asked shrugging,
"Alrighty, I'll order it." She said leaving the room,
"What?" Dream asked,

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