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                                    Frozen feet

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                             Frozen feet

It was George, Clay was stunned for a moment. Not knowing what to do he stood there analyzing the brown-haired boy. His feet started moving, the voices of talking muffled, his hand tapped on the boy's shoulder.
George jumped a little due to being touched without knowing who it was. He turned around and faced a tall boy with a yellow-colored sweatshirt.
"George?" The boy's breath smelt like coffee a strong overwhelming smell.
"Dream..?" George looked up and found the tall male,
"Yeah, it's me." his voice was shaky,
George was at a loss on what to do, hug him, a handshake? It was awkward when they tried to figure out what to do, George put his hand out, while Dream tried to put his hand on George's shoulder. This went on for a while until Dream just decided to hug him, the warmth of the taller made George feel less alone.
They stayed like that for what felt like forever, not really bothering each other, but bothering others who were trying to get pass.

"We should get out of here." Dream sighed letting go of George, once again feeling alone. George just smiled in return, while Dream grabbed his friend's bag, helping him because of the colors. They walked to his family,
"Oh look, it's Georgenotfound!" Drista mocked Tommy even though he wasn't around, in return Dream just laughed.
"Let's get out of here, I hate airports." George followed the family out of the airport, the air was cold but not like the UK.
"So George, how have you been?" Clays mom asked, George, remembered talking to her a while back,
"I've been okay, how are you?" George looked at the woman, who looked very similar to Dream.
"Same, thank you for asking. Its good to finally meet you" She smiled, ruffling his hair walking faster to catch up to her husband.
George smiled at the family, they seemed so happy. Though he knew not to judge a book by its cover, a happy family could become not so happy in an instant.

"George?" Dream worried about his friend, it must have been hard being so far away from family at this time of year
"Yeah?" George struggled to get his words out,
"Are you okay? You seem a little, on the edge."
George's breathing felt heavy,
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just weird being here." What George really meant was, 'If you knew how I was feeling, you'd leave me. Just like my family did.'
"You sure-"
"Alright, let's get in the car! I'll take your things, George." Dreams dad took George's suitcase, putting it in the back.
"Be safe, we'll take Sophie with us." (Not Drista's real name)
"Mkay, get in George." George took the seat next to his friend while Dream's family got in the other car.

"Huh, you know how to drive?" George lifted a brow,
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dream looked jokingly offended at his friend,
"Oh y'know, just never took you as one to drive." George shrugged obviously messing with the other,
"Dream, I was just messing with you"
His friend glanced at the brown-haired boy,
"You know you can call me Clay, right?"
"I know, but Dream seems to suit you more"
"Are you calling me Dreamy?" Dream smiled at his own comment while George bit his lip,
"Don't do that," George warned,
"Do what?"
"Play with me, it won't end well."
"I'm not playing, George. You did just call me Dreamy."
"Whatever you say." George rolled his eyes at his friend. Yeah sure, 'Clay' was dreamy and he did put that into context but did he say that? No.

"We're here." Dream took the keys out of his car, pushing George awake.
"Cmon, let's get up." George blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes. He looked out of the car to see an empty driveway,
"Where are your parents?" George asked opening the door,
"They called me saying they're going to get food." Dream shrugged meeting up with George on the opposite side of his car,
"Let's get inside so you can sleep." Dream unlocked the door to his house and showed George to his room.
"It's sorta a messy, sorry."
The mess made his room look more comfortable,
"It's fine," George smiled,
"You can sleep on my bed for a bit." Dream sat on his gaming chair spinning around in it. George did, he layed down. When he woke  up, he felt hot breath on his back, making him feel cold.

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