Dale Sweeze x reader

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I don't know how you guys feel about this character but I think its a cute and funny character

Your POV
Another day at the school working as the music teacher singing and playing the piano all day with the students,  it was such a good day knowing that my lover is here all day substituting. As I'm waiting for everyone to settle into class I see him walk by "Hey Mr sweeze" I say while giving him a slight wink so my students don't see,  apparently they did.

"Ooooooh, does miss L/N have a crush on the sub" one of my students stated. "Ooooooh" the whole class joined in. Standing there trying not to blush, I state "Hey! Can your oooooh's at least be on key" I joked and they started to harmonize "I was joking" I said laughing.  Thank goodness they were my last class.

1 hour later
"Make sure to practice singing that high note when you get home!" I said while all the students walked out of the class room I sigh as I sit down at my piano "hey beautiful" I hear a voice say, I look to see Mr dale sweeze aka my lover "hi! How was subbing today" I asked
"Uuhh interesting, the kids were too smart for me and I didn't get to show them my version of to be or not to be" he said fake crying "oh wow and you already recorded it very sad" I said trying not to laugh "and they kicked me out cause they thought I was touching a student" he said " I just stared at him in shock "what were you doing then" I asked him "I was planning on where I should take you out tonight" he says smirking and kiss my cheek I blush "how does the park sound?, i can set up a little area to sit down and enjoy the stars while I tell you how much I love you and make the butterflies act up in your stomach" he says to me "I think your doing that at the moment Mr Sweeze" I said blushing "ok then 8 o'clock" he said smiling and pecking my lips and walking out.

New character! 🚨

Hi!!! Sorry I took like a million years to update I've been super busy with school, I originally wanted to update this story after the snow update last chapter but I got really busy, and please tell me who you wanna see next and what you want to happen love you 😽

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