songs and secrets

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Ena groaned as she turned to see it was niragi. She closed her eyes as she realized she had a painful headache.
"How'd I get back" she groaned as she sat up and niragi offered her some medicine.
"What do you mean" questioned niragi as his men sat on the couch on one end of the room.
"I went out for a couple of drinks after you left...I think I went overboard" she began to think "and then I remember yelling at...kai...and"
"I don't wanna hear your weird dreams" he responded as he handed her some water to take her medicine. "Hurry...take it, you're no fun when you're hungover"
Ena took the medicine as she layed down again trying to remember what happened.
"Anyways, I'll stay with you for the day since you can't go out and party with us" niragi said as he ordered his men to leave him alone. As they left he looked back at ena only to realize that she was still wearing her shoes.
"Wow you didn't even bother to take off your shoes before coming in" he chuckled as he got up and took her shoes off for her. "You stink, you know that right"
Ena groaned as she pulled her blanket over her face.
"I'll get the bath running" said niragi as he walked over to the bathroom.
Everyone always saw him as a rough and mean person, a cold murderer. For the most part this was true, but to his surprise as he pretended to give ena his attention he actually began to fall for her. When she would pass out after a night of drinking he would bring her back and watch over her to make sure she was ok. At first she pushed him away and hated it, but now she's so used to him always being around that she doesn't even feel weird having him help her take a bath. He's always been really respectful and never done anything she didn't agree to.
"Come on, up" said niragi as he picked her up from the bed and took her to the restroom. He helped her undress as she groaned.
"Turn off the light it's hurting my eyes" she said as she got into the tub and sat down.
Niragi chuckled as he turned off the light and grabbed the shampoo. Although he never admitted it, he hated how she had him wrapped around her finger without knowing it. Any of his men who have even began a sentence than involved her and his friendship is no longer alive. As long as anyone is aware, he is a manipulator and she's just his prey.
"Can you sing the song you always do?" Asked ena as he began to wash her hair.
Niragi looked at her for a second before groaning as he began to sing softly.
(I reccomend you listen to the song first)

Ena closed her eyes as he finished singing and washing her hair. The song always made her feel better about everything.
"Finish washing up, I'll be right outside" said niragi as he left the restroom and sat on her bed.
Ena washed her body and got out to get dressed. She put on some clothes he had picked out as she walked into the room and saw him sitting there.
"Why are you so kind to me" she said as she raised his face to look at her. "Why don't you treat me like shit like you do to everyone else"
"Because you saved me, and for that I owe you my very life" he said as he saw her looking at him so intently.
"If anyone saw how good you treat me they'd rethink your authority" she said as she sat down next to him. He sighed as he looked at her.
"Luckily everyone thinks you're just my bitch" he said as he looked down at the floor.
"I'm glad your my friend, I don't know where I would be if you weren't" said ena as she heard a knock on the door.
"Boss, there's buisness" said one of his men as niragi got up.
"Going...I'll see you later" said niragi as he patted her head and walked out.
Ena nodded as she put on her shoes and decided to go for a walk around the hotel. She headed towards a hidden garden near the back entrance of the hotel. The path was lined with cherry blossom trees and shrubs which made it basically impossible to see if anyone was walking along the path.
"If it isn't sleeping beauty" said chishiya as he walked up behind her as she was about to turn the corner towards the center.
"Oh...hey?" Said ena as she shoved her hands in her pocket. " I didn't know others knew about the path"
Chishiya nodded as he walked up to her and smirked.
"And I didn't know you could kiss so well" he said confidently as he leaned down a bit to be eye to eye with her.
"No..." ena covered her mouth as she began to remember what happened that night.
"I really meant what I said about liking your style" he said as he chuckled.
"It didn't mean anything" said ena as she tried recalling why she kissed him.
"Are you sure? Because I remember how hard it was to get you off me...I can still hear your voice 'oh ch-' " said chishiya as he tried to get her to believe what he said instead of remembering what she really said. Ena cut him off by covering his mouth before sighing and thinking what to do.
"I was drunk, it meant nothing" she said again as she shook her head and looked around.
"Prove it" said chishiya as he moved her hand from his mouth to wrap her arms around his neck. "Let me show you how you kissed me then tell me it was nothing."
As he said this he pulled her closer without a warning before grabbing her face and kissing her. Ena stood there shocked as she began to kiss back. Chishiya pushed her against one of the trees as he began to kiss her neck and unbutton her shirt.
"O-ok I get it, I get it" said ena as she pushed him away. "This was a 1 time thing...this never happened..."
Ena walked away away as fast as she could as she began to rebutton her shirt. Arisu watched as she sped off heading towards her room again.
"I swear she gets weirder every day" he said as he headed off to find usagi.

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