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     Ena sat in her hospital bed as she looked out the window. It was finally her day to be released and she still hadn't seen niragi.
     "Let's go?" Asked arisu as he finished packing her things. Ena nodded as she stood up and winced a bit at the pain in her chest.
     Ena walked with him as they talked about everything that was going on.
     "Have you talked to niragi?" Asked ena as arisu suddenly went silent.
     "Um yeah" he said as they stopped at the exit. "He's been busy"
     "We should stop by" ena said as she continued to walk towards the car to see chishiya and the rest standing there.
     "Enaa" said usagi as she ran over and gave her a hug.
     "Carefull with the shoulder" said ena as she chuckled and looked over at kuina and chishiya smiling.
     "Are we late?" Said a female voice from behind ena as she turned around. She didn't recognize the girl but she did recognize the person with her, it was niragi. Ena smiled as she shook her head.
     "I was just released...and you are?" Ena said as everyone looked at her and arisu walked up to her.
     "This is emiko...niragis girlfriend, they've been together for a year" whispered arisu as ena looked at him.
     Ena stood there as she thought, it had only been a month worth of real time since niragi had arrived in the real world. They had both been trapped in the game world around the same time, that would mean niragi only waited a week until ena remembered the world. That would mean niragi had a girlfriend a long time before he met ena and began to hit on her.
     "Ena?" Asked usagi as she looked at her.
     " must be my fiance's co-worker" ena said seriously as she took the flower Emiko was offering her. "It's nice to meet you...I hope you have a good day."
     Ena handed the flowers to kuina as she turned away from all of them and speed walked away.
     "Ena" sighed arisu as he rubbed his forehead and looked at niragi. "I hope you're happy"
     Chishiya and kuina helped put ena's bags in the car as emiko looked at niragi confused. They all got in the car after and began to drive off as they looked around for ena.
     "What was that?" Asked emiko as she held onto niragis arm. Niragi shook his head as he walked back to their car.
     Ena ran down the street as held her hand over wound. Although she had no where to be she kept running until she arrived at the cemetery. She stared at the gates for a while before walking in. She wandered through until she found Kai's grave. She sat down on the floor as she stared at his grave stone.
     "I wish that I was angry, at you for leaving me, at niragi for playing with my heart, but I feel nothing" she whispered as she stared at the the picture of him on it.
     "So much has happened that I don't even care that he lied... I don't want to care" she sat there for a bit as she felt droplets starting to fall from the sky. Ena closed her eyes and sighed as it began to rain. She reached into her pocket as she pulled out her wedding ring and put it on her finger. As she held Kai's ring in her hand she undid her necklace and slipped it on before putting it back around her neck.
     "I'm sorry that I can't stay longer" she whispered as she got up when It began to rain harder.
     Ena walked out of the cemetery and onto the sidewalk as she looked around. She checked her pockets only to realize that she had left her phone in her bag. She groaned as she began walking her way home. Although it was a 5 mile walk it was refreshing to have tike to think before arriving home. As she walked up to her house she sighed as she knocked on the door soaking wet.
     "Ena...did you walk?" Asked arisu as he let her in.
     "Don't ask stupid questions...ofc I did" she said as she took off her jacket and stood there for a while only to realize her shirt was completely wet too.
     "Why didn't you call" asked usagi as she handed her a robe and towel. Ena turned arisu around as she took off all her clothes and put on the robe.
     "My phones in my bag" she said as she tied the robe tightly before throwing her clothes in the dryer and using the towel to dry her hair.
     "Ena wait" said usagi as ena headed towards the livingroom. Ena walked in to see niragi, kuina and chishiya sitting on the couch.
     "Who let the roach into my house...hi chishiya, hi kuina" ena said as she sat down on a chair across from them. "Wheres your girlfriend?"
     Niragi sighed as she looked at ena while she dryed her hair.
    "I sent her home" he whispered as ena chuckled and leaned forward towards him.
     "Then you should follow her" she whispered back sarcastically as she sat back up and continued to dry her her hair.
     "I didn't mean to-"
     "Lalala....I don't want to hear your lies anymore" said ena.
     Niragi looked at chishiya and kuina as they both looked at him before having an idea.
     "Why don't we go out and eat together." Said kuina as she grabbed chishiya's hand.
     Ena nodded as she got up and walked over to the dryer and took her clothes out as she began to dress again.
     "I know a good restaurant nearby" said chishiya as they all got up and walked over to see ena putting on some rainy day boots.
     "Lead the way" ena said as she grabbed her raincoat and umbrella while following them out.
     "You better not mess up or I'll go over and beat you up" said arisu as he pushed niragi out the door and locked the house behind him.

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