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     They all sat around the table as they looked at each other in complete silence. No one really knew what to say since no matter how they answered it would feel insensitive. All the time they spent trying to convince ena to move on in life would lead to her having to kill the man she loved most.
     "Where would we find him" said arisu as he looked at ena.
     Ena shrugged as she sat there thinking.
     "Where did he live, in the real world" said usagi as she looked at ena as well.
     "Seoul, south Korea" said ena as she suddenly thought of a place. "But"
     They all looked at he as she closed her eyes and sighed.
     "The venue where we were supposed to get married is like 10 minutes away" she said as she stood up. "If he's going to be anywhere it's there"
     They all looked at her as she walked over to her drawer and pulled out a gun and stuck in her holster on her thigh. Secretly they all wanted to stop her but knew they wouldn't be able to.
     "Let's get moving before it gets dark" she said as she pulled out her other gun and knives and also placed them in their designated places.
     They all nodded as they got up and walked out to get ready.
     Ena looked at her engagement ring as she began to think. She thought about how in order to get the life she wanted they would have to kill the love of her life.
     Ena walked out her room and downstairs as she walked over to one of the cars which was already turned on for them. She sat in the drivers seat as they all joined her one by one.
     "Let's go" without a warning she took off and headed to the venue at full speed.
     "Ena?"said arisu as he looked at her from the back seat.
     Ena didn't respond, she just kept driving as they all looked at each other.
     "You don't have to go so fast" said niragi who was in the passenger seat. He put his hand on her shoulder as she decreased her speed a bit. Chishiya looked at ena before looking back down  at his hands.
     As they arrived ena parked right at the door. They all got out as they stared at the venue. Ena looked at them before walking up to the building and opening the door, as she looked inside she fell to her knees. Everyone rushed over to her as they saw her crying. They all walked in and looked around as they noticed what had triggered her.
     "It's set up as your wedding..."said kuina as suddenly they heard music playing from upstairs. They helped Ena up as the walked past the wedding section and headed upstairs to the dressing rooms.
     "I know that song" said ena as she walked up the stairs.

     They all looked at eachother confused as they looked at ena.
     "It's in korean,...it's Kai's favorite song" she said as she continued walking.
     As she arrived at the top she looked around until something caught her eye.
     "Is this..my wedding dress" she said as she looked at a ball gown which was hung up on a rack.
     "Do you want to put it on?"
     Ena looked around as she recognized the voice.
     "Kai...KAI" she looked around as he walked out from behind a door that connected the mens dressing room.
     "ENA" as niragi and chishiya tried walking towards her kai stood in front of them and held her behind him.
     "Don't touch my wife" he said as ena stood there mesmerized by the fact he was actually alive.
     "Ena you know what we have to do, Don't get distracted" said arisu as he looked at his sister.
     "I...I can't" she whispered as she looked back at him.
     "You don't have to" said kai as he turned to look at her. "All you have to say is you renounce the game and we can stay here, together"
     "Ena you can't listen to him...he's lying" said usagi as she saw ena staring at kai.
     Without hesitation niragi pulled out his gun and aimed it at kai as he pulled the trigger. To their surprise when he fired it only bounced off.
     "You're getting on my nerves" as kai said this he pushed niragi which sent him flying against a wall. Chishiya pulled out his gun as well before kai suddenly turned to him and knocked it out of his hand before sending him flying as well. Kai looked at niragi as he walked towards him as he pulled out a gun. Usagi, arisu, and kuina tried to help only to realize there was some sort of border holding them in the hallway.
     "ENA SNAP OUT OF IT" yelled usagi.
     Ena looked up as she saw what kai was going to do.
     "KAI, NO" she yelled as she ran over to niragi and stood in front of him. "You can't hurt him"
     "Why not, what's so special about him" asked kai as he aimed a gun at niragi.
     Ena looked at kai as she started to think. That's when something finally clicked in her mind.
     "That he's not pretending when he's himself..." she said as she looked at niragi. "While you and chishiya are...you're just acting to please me"
     Kai looked at ena as he put his gun down.
     "Say it" he said as he looked at her.
     "That's why I love him" she whispered as she looked up at kai.
     Kai smiled as he walked over to the other end of the room and stood on the balcony. He looked up at the sky, since the stars were now visible.
     They all stood up and ena held niragi walk over to arisu and usagi. Chishiya walked over to kuina as they all stood there confused.
     "Ena...you already know the answer" said kai as he looked at her before looking back at the sky.
     Ena walked over to him as she stood next to him and joined him in looking at the stars. They stood there for a while, enjoying the silence as the rest just watched them sadly.
     "I like your hair" said kai as he looked at her "it suits you better"
     Ena smiled as she looked at him.
     "I have something that belong to you" she whispered as she handed him her engagement ring. "I thought you'd like to have it, it was your mother's after all"
      Kai smiled as he held the ring in his hand. He looked up at the sky once more as he closed his eyes.
     "The moon is beautiful, isn't it" he whispered so only they could hear it.
     "It always was" ena whispered back as she pulled out and loaded her gun.
     "I'll tell her you said hello" he said as looked back at the moon.
     Ena's eyes began to water as she pointed the gun at his head. Kai smiled as he closed his eyes one more time as he took a deep breath. The rest of the group watched as they could hear ena crying as she steadied her hand.
     "Goodbye my moon"
     Suddenly it was as if the whole world had turned off. There was a deafening silence and a terrifying darkness that surrounded them.
     "Congratulations, Level succeeded" said a voice.
     "Ena...Ena....Ena" said a voice as it slowly got louder. Ena struggled to open her eyes as she looked around blinded by the lights.
     "Where am I?" She asked as she looked around.
     "The hospital, don't you remember what happened"
     Ena looked at the person speaking as she realized that it was her mother in law. As she looked around she shook her head as she felt a sudden pain run through her whole body.
     "You and Kai were getting ready for the wedding. You and your best friend walked into the dressing room above the venue to find kai there, he was holding a gun to his head." She said as she sat down next to her bed. "You tried to get him to put the gun down but there was an accident, he shot you... he didn't know what to do as he saw you lay on the floor motionless so he killed himself as well."
     Ena looked at her mother in law as she began remembering the game world and everything that she had gone through.
     "I..." she said as she looked at her mother in law.
     Her mother in law held her hand as she continued talking.
     "If it wasn't for that photographer that found you two...you wouldn't have made it" she said as she stood up and handed her a letter.
     "Kai left this for you" she said as she walked out of the room and headed to let everyone know she was awake.
     Ena unfolded the letter as she saw her engagement rings.
     "Dear Ena,
   I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer but it was my time to go. Although I may not be here anymore I want you to keep these. Please find your true love and make the happy life we couldn't. In my opinion, my coworker Niragi would be a great match you. Wink wink.
The moon is gorgeous...I hope you still greet me every night<3"
     Ena looked at the note as she smiled a bit and laughed. No matter the situation kai always made sure that what ever he said he made her smile even a bit.
     As she looked up she saw her brother and usagi walk in, still wearing their fancy clothes. Kuina followed behind as chishiya had her arm around  her.
     "Do you remember?" Asked usagi as she looked at her.
     "Yes," said ena as she looked at her. "How come I came to this day?"
     "We all started on a day of an accident" said chishiya as she held onto kuina.
     "Usagi was in a car accident. Arisu  and back from a comma of getting hit by a car. Kuina had almost drowned. I fell of the second story of a building." Said chishiya as he looked at ena.
     "So while I was,... you guys remember while I just walked through life kinda just not remembering until now"said ena as she looked at them.
     They all nodded as ena looked at them and then down at her letter.
     "While you didn't remember we took the time on finding eachother, which is why usagi and arisu are married...along with me and chishiya" said kuina.
     "Married?" Said ena as she looked at them again.
     "Yeah...don't worry we took plenty of videos and pictures so you can experience it again." Said usagi as she smiled.
     "Wait what about niragi" said ena as she looked at around the room again.
     "He already had his accident...first actually" said arisu as he sat next to his sister. "He actually changed where he worked just to be closer to you. Since kai remembered everything as well he didn't mind having him so close."
     "Yeah...actually they were like bestfriends, he even left him a letter too" said chishiya as he pointed to her letter. "He asked him to take care of you and make you happy."
     Ena smiled as she sat up a bit.
     "He's currently at home changing. He was one of the people who found you two as well" said kuina.
     "We were all scared, you weren't moving and there was no pulse, we thought you had changed your decision in your world and gone with kai" said arisu as he looked down.
     "Your world?" Said ena is she looked confused.
     "We all have slightly different experiences" said chishiya as he nodded.
     Ena nodded as well as she layed back.
     "You should rest" said usagi as she looked at her "you must be exhausted"
     Ena smiled as she closed her eyes.
     "I am" she said as she slowly began to drift off.

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