Chapter Four

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There was no light in the cave, except for a shaft of moonlight wafting down from an opening in the ceiling. Smoke clouded the air and a dusting of ash covered the ground and water, and the few remaining boats drifted ghostlike and sodden. Two boats lay in ruins, blackened and burnt, while also dripping dark water.

"Why aren't they on fire any more?" Feirn asked.

Pointing to a more jagged and unstable looking side of the cavern, Owly started to explain, "A part of the cliff fractured—"

"Who wants to be captain?" Enders asked, interrupting, and before anyone else could answer, he said, "Because I volunteer!" Immediately, the elf ran and leapt onto the shifting boat.

Owly shook her head. She was used to Enders, who was completely unabashed that he had interrupted an elder, and knew there was no point in talking further.

"Hey, no fair!" Annene said, fighting a laugh. "I am clearly captain material!" The werecat jumped right after him. Wilbur lingered on the edge of the singed dock before apparently gathering his courage and climbing aboard. Feirn was about to follow when she looked back to say something to Gwynn when she saw the look on her friend's face.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Gwynn replied. She considered telling the elene the truth, but pushed the thought away. "Yes. I'm fine," she said a little more firmly.

Feirn gave her a skeptical look. "You sure?"

"Yes! Of course!"Gwynn attempted a brave face, and added, "Let's just get on the ship,"

The two quickly hopped aboard. Enders and Annene were arguing over the captain's position, while Wilbur searched for provisions. This was one of the many times Gwynn couldn't believe she and Enders were related. How could he be joking at a time like this? How could everyone not be taking this so lightly?

Peri spoke and broke off her train of thought.

"You have to go— now!" he yelled as a cave wall started to crack. Without further words, a gust of air pushed the boat, kids and monkey and all, out of the cave with a flick of Peri's wrist, which caused a strong wind to push the sail.

"Wait! When are we coming back?!" Gwynn yelled back, but they were already too far to the instructors to hear her, leaving her to worry.

What if we never come back? She thought, thinking of all the things she'd miss, her way of life—even Sandra Sky and the instructors.

Then she thought about how Owly had gotten so extremely prickly since the topic of the Dark Sorceress came to the subject—Why was Owly acting like that? And why did Owly call her Wren instead?

Suddenly she noticed her brother wobbling over to her, looking extremely pale and tinged green. Suddenly, as the boat hit another wave he swerved to the side of the boat and seemed ready to throw up— or as if he already had, and his confidence splattered into the ocean along with his dinner. She approached him anyways.

"So, Gwynn, why the long face?" Enders asked, seeming surprised that she wasn't laughing at him, since he was acting completely unlike himself keeling over the side of the boat.

"No reason..." she replied. She didn't want to be what Owly thought of her— she truly didn't think everything was about her. If her friends wanted to risk their lives, she wouldn't ruin their most likely temporary happiness, and she would leave soon to hide in her blanket cocoon. If there was one thing she was avoiding, it was being a disappointment to anyone, and even if Owly already thought that. She wouldn't disappoint the people she cared for most.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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