chapter fourteen.

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I was drunk, but I wasn't drunk enough to continue what just happened. 

I pushed Amy off of me. She let out a gasped and looked at me confused. I didn't say anything to her and just turned my back, pushing through the crowd of people. I could hear Amy following behind me. She was shouting my name, but I didn't want to turn around. 

I headed outside of the club and looked around to see if I could find a taxi.

"Leo!" Amy shouted from behind me. "Wait, please!

I turned around to see Amy standing there, clearly out of breath from chasing me through the club. She looked confused.

"Why did you run like that?! Did I do something wrong?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Did you do something wrong?! I'm married, Amy! You fucking kissed me. I have a wife who I love very much and I have two kids! You knew that."

She let out a laugh and shook her head. "Well then don't tell her! She won't get hurt if she doesn't know about it."

I felt myself growing more frustrated with how this conversation was going. She really thought that I was just going to cheat on my wife with no problem?  Clearly she doesn't care about relationships, but I care about mine.

"I can't do that!" I shouted. "I am happily married. I am not going to lie to my wife."

"You and I both know that there is something between us. I'm not going to deny that I feel something for you, and I know that you feel the same, Leo. Can we just talk? We can go somewhere private."

I shook my head, and I was the one that let out a laugh this time. "You're wrong, Amy. I don't feel anything for you! We are just coworkers."

I looked over and realized that a taxi was waiting for me. I started walking towards it when Amy called my name, again. 

"Leo, wait! We can talk about this-"

"I don't want to talk to you," I shouted, interrupting her.  "I'll see you at work."

I didn't hear her response before I opened the door to the taxi and told the driver the directions to where I was staying. 

I looked at my phone. It was getting late and I'm not usually up at a time like this. I've gone to bed early since we've had the kids, and I honestly don't mind it. The alcohol in my system was probably making me even more tired. 

The driver dropped me off at the hotel that I'm staying at. I gave him the money for driving me, along with a tip, and headed into the building. I felt so relieved to be back in my room and away from that club. To say that I was frustrated was an understatement.

I felt my phone vibrate. I don't know why I thought it would be Lauren. Clearly it wasn't, but it was Amy instead. I felt my blood boil as I read the text that she had sent me.

Can we talk in the morning? I wasn't lying when I said I felt something for you and I felt something when we kissed. We can work something out. Thanks for a fun night (: Sorry it had to end the way it did. 

I let out a frustrated groan and threw my phone on the bed. There is no way that Amy is going to let this go and to be honest, I felt so uncomfortable. Why didn't she understand that I didn't like her? I am married and have children. I mean, I guess I should have expected it after the conversation we had about marriage and such when we had dinner the other day. 

I need to tell Lauren about what happened, though. There was no way that I could keep this from her, especially since our relationship has been struggling a bit since I left to come work here. I know she's probably sleeping, but I need to know what she thinks and I need to get it off my chest. 

I picked up my phone and pressed on Lauren's name. It started to dial, and she surprisingly picked up after a few rings.  

"Hello?" Lauren whispered into the phone. She clearly sounded tired and I felt really bad that I had woken her up now, but it was for the best that I did this. 

"Lauren, I'm sorry that I woke you up-"

"Do you know what time it is, Leo? I have to get up early with the kids in a little. Is everything okay?"

I let out a sigh. "I know, I know. I'm really sorry for waking you up but I need to talk to you. Everything is fine, but there is something that you should know."

She was silent for a moment before she responded. "For some reason I don't like the sound of this. What did you do, Leonardo?"

"I went out for a few drinks with my coworkers," I said truthfully. "I ended up getting kind of drunk and... Well. I danced with one of my coworkers and she kissed me."

There was no response from Lauren after I said that. I heard her shuffling around, which I'm assuming she was moving and I heard her breathe. 

"Lauren? Hello? Please answer," I begged. 

"I... I don't know what to say," she whispered. "Who was it?"

"It was this girl from work. Her name is Amy. I swear it meant nothing! We're just friends, and she asked me to go dance with her and I said yes. She kissed me out of nowhere. I mean it Lauren, it meant nothing."

Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh. "Oh, that's just great, Leo! First you tell me that you kissed a girl, and then you tell me that you danced with her. How can you expect me not to be mad?"

"Please Lauren, it meant nothing. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking. I told her to stop after she kissed me and then I left. I mean it when I say it was nothing and I'm sorry-"

"I am so tired of you saying sorry!" she shouted into the phone. "First you barely call or talk to me and the kids and then you tell me this?! How can you have time to go out but you don't have time to talk to your family? You keep saying that you're sorry, but I don't know if you really are. I'm so upset and hurt by everything you've done, Leo. I thought this long distance wouldn't be a problem, but clearly it is and I don't know how much more I can take."

"Lauren, please-"

"I'm sorry, Leo.  I think it's best if you don't call us for a few days."

I didn't get the chance to say anything before I heard Lauren hang the phone up, and I was left sitting there with my own thoughts. I really messed up this time, and I don't know how much I will be able to fix it. 

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