chapter twenty-two.

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I feel like I've been chasing my children around in circles all day. Dakota had dance, Beau was very moody all day, and no one seems to be listening to me.

Work was adding extra stress to the day too. I had so many new clients that I had to meet with this week, so I've been having to work a few extra hours each day unfortunately. The kids keep asking why I come home so late. 

I was finally home before dinnertime for once. The kids had asked for spaghetti, so that's what they're getting. It's simple, so I don't mind.

The noodles had finally finished cooking and I was cutting a loaf of bread so that we could have bread with dinner. Both of the kids were sat in the living room watching TV. I heard Spongebob playing and the occasional laughing from both of them, so they were fine by themselves for a bit. 

I found myself thinking about Leo again. He's on my mind multiple times a day. Sometimes I think about what happened before we left Seattle, and other times I find myself thinking about what our life used to be like. When he lived here with us and we were all happy and content. I think about the first time I met him at my apartment, too.

I thought he was an asshole, but he was intriguing. Mysterious. The neighbors had invited me over for dinner that night and told me to stay away from him. Look at where I am now. 

He was my brother's best friend too. I always thought he was such an interesting person from the start. I wonder what life would have been like if things turned out differently. If I had remembered who he was when we met at my apartment.

He should have never taken that job. It does make more money, but our family is not the same because of it. I feel like I am a single mom raising two kids on my own. The kids ask when their dad is coming home every day too. They want him home. 

But I know that he did it for our family. 

Something on the TV managed to break me out of my trance. I walked back over to the stove and put pasta in each of the kids bowls, as well as my own.

"Dinner's ready!" I shouted as I set the bowls down on the dining room table. I heard the kids jump off of the couch and run towards the dining room. They each sat down in their chairs and ate like it was their first meal in weeks.

"This is the best pasta ever," Dakota managed to say as she quickly ate.

I looked over at her and let out a small laugh. "I think you say that every time I make pasta. Thank you though. And slow down, you don't need to eat so-"

The front door suddenly slammed, causing all three of us to jump. Dakota and Beau looked at me with wide eyes. Who is in my house? Only Leo, Leo's mom, and I have keys to the front door. Oh god, I really hope someone didn't break into the house.

I heard footsteps walking towards the dining room. This person still had not announced who they were. 

"Hello?" I spoke, my voice a little shaky from the adrenaline rushing through me.


There's no way.

He's here. What is he doing here? I thought he had a busy week at work? 

He appeared in the doorway and smiled as he saw the three of us sitting at the table. The kids squealed and ran over to their dad in excitement. He crouched down and hugged both of them.

"Daddy!" Beau screamed.

"Hey kiddos," he let out a soft laugh. "Did you two miss me?"

"So much," Dakota spoke.

I kept my eyes on them, not wanting to say anything to ruin the moment. There were a million thoughts and questions running through my head at the moment and I felt like I could barely speak. 

Leo looked up at me as the kids moved away from him. I could tell that he knew I was confused and probably had a lot of questions. He took a seat next to me and watched the kids as they ate.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke up after awhile.

He looked over at me, letting out a sigh. "We have a lot to talk about. Can we talk after we put the kids to bed? I have so much to explain."

I nodded and looked down at my plate. I really hope this doesn't turn into another argument or anything. He thought I wanted to divorce him the last time we argued. Please let something good come out of this. 


Leo and I had cleaned up after dinner and gave each of the kids a bath before we put them to bed. We still hadn't talked much, unless it was about the kids. I was now in our bedroom closet putting clothes away. His suitcases were in here. How long is he planning on staying?

"Can we talk now? Please," a voice said, once again breaking me from my thoughts. I looked over to see Leo standing a few feet away from me. 

"Yeah," I managed to say as I put the last piece of clothing on a hanger and placed it in the closet. I followed Leo as he started to walk towards our bed and sat down on it. I sat down next to him.

We stayed silent for a few minutes. I could tell that he had a lot to say. He looked really nervous for some reason. 

"Why are you home?" I was the first to speak. 

His gaze shifted towards me as he let out a sigh. 

"I quit my job." 


She gave me a blank expression. Her eyes went wide.

"W-what? Why?"

I turned towards her so that our bodies were only inches apart. This is the closet I've been to her in weeks.

"Because I wasn't happy," I explained. "I'm not happy unless I'm with you. With our kids. I was ruining our family. I took that job because it paid well, but I ended up ruining everything in the end. I missed out on so much with you and the kids. I fucked up our relationship."

She didn't say anything. She just kept looking at me with wide eyes, trying to process everything that I just said. 

"I'm so sorry Lauren." Tears were finally falling from my eyes at the point as I struggled to hold back sobs. "I am so sorry, baby. For the way that I treated you while I was away. I just wanted to be good at my job and do well. I was such an asshole to you and I'm sorry. Please, let me prove that I am a good husband. A good father. I want to make this right. I will do whatever it takes to make this family complete again. Please."

Tears were falling out of her eyes at this point too. I hated knowing that I was the reason that she was crying. She was so upset while we were apart, and now I can't even begin to think about how many times she's cried because of me. 

"Alright," she looked down at her lap. "This is your last chance, Leo. I mean it."


Another chapter. Woohoo!

I'll try to post another one within the next few days. Hope everyone is doing well!

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