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{There are not enough Danny Phantom/Percy Jackson crossovers, so we decided to write our own!

Episodes that take place before this chapter:

All of season 1 up to just after Maternal Instincts

This chapter takes place in November of 2007. Danny got his powers August of 2007.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only the story and our original characters.}

      One late fall evening, Danny was flying around Bar Harbor, Maine, hoping to relax. His parents had decided to take the family to a ghost hunting convention the day after Danny and his mom had returned from their unplanned trip to Colorado. Danny was about to call it a night and head back to the hotel when he heard a scream. He zoomed towards the sound, hoping it was something that he could take care of quickly.

      At the source of the call for help, Danny found two young kids, a girl and a boy, cornered by what looked like a large cat. However, it had a snake's tail and acid was dripping from its fangs. Danny zapped it with an ecto-blast, drawing its attention.

      "Leave those kids alone!" Danny called out. The cat-snake hissed at him, spat acid in his direction, and turned its attention back towards the two kids.

      "Please, help us, mister!" the boy whimpered. He couldn't have been more than ten years old.

      Danny never could ignore a plea for help, so he placed himself between the kids and the cat-snake. Danny fired another ecto-blast at the cat-snake, trying to get it to leave. The creature, seeing that Danny was between it and its next meal, snarled at the offending half-ghost, and spat a large glob of acid at them. Danny threw up an ecto-shield and told the kids to run while he dealt with the cat-snake.

      "Where?" the girl asked.

      It was only then that Danny realized they were in a dead-end alley. Thinking quickly, Danny told them to grab onto him, stretching a hand behind him. Thankfully, neither child argued with him and grabbed his hand. Danny counted aloud from three to give the kids a warning, then he dropped the shield and took off into the sky, away from the monster.

      The girl screamed and the boy whooped with excitement as Danny flew towards a park. Danny landed near a playset and told the two kids that they were safe for now.

      "H-h-how did you do that?" the girl asked, holding the boy tightly.

     "I'm a ghost." Danny said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

     The girl paled but the boy just started jumping, asking Danny how many hit points he had and what his attack power was. This confused Danny to no end and the girl exasperatedly told the boy off, "Nico, please leave him alone." Nico turned towards her, probably to argue back, but he was interrupted by a yowl. Turning around, Danny saw the cat-snake thing stalking towards them.

      "Nico!" the girl called, motioning for her brother. Nico ran to her as Danny charged the cat-snake.

      The cat-snake met Danny mid-air, claws out and ready to attack; Danny's fists were ecto-charged and ready to send this creature back into the Ghost Zone. The cat-snake scratched at Danny, forcing him to dodge. He fired an ecto-ray at the creature, but it barely grazed its flank as it jumped to the side. The cat-snake snarled at Danny and spat more acid in his direction. Danny went intangible, but the acid still hurt as it passed through him.

     Great, that still hurts no matter what I do, Danny thought as he shot another ecto-ray at the creature.

      Danny and the cat-snake circled each other; the cat-snake snarled and Danny was panting. How strong is this thing? Danny has fought many ghosts in the past few months, ever since he got his powers over the summer; some were humanoid and others were animalistic. Danny wasn't sure if this creature even counted as a ghost, it didn't have the characteristic glow of ectoplasm. Danny quickly came up with a plan and put it in action when he was facing the kids. He turned back to the cat-snake and feigned an attack.

      The creature pounced and Danny went intangible, forcing the creature to turn and face him again. Before it could pounce again, Danny hit it with a dual ecto-ray at full blast. The cat-snake screeched as it disintegrated into golden dust.

      "What just happened?" the girl asked as she came out of hiding. Nico stood close behind her.

      "I don't know," Danny answered, looking down at his hands.

      "Is it gone for good?" Nico asked.

      "I sure hope so." Danny turned to face them.

      The girl sighed in relief while Nico ran up and hugged him. "Thank you, Mr..."

      "Phantom. Danny Phantom." Danny smiled as Nico ran over to the playset and sat on a swing. He turned back to the girl. "And you're welcome, ..."

      "Bianca, and this is my little brother Nico." She gestured to Nico, who was having the time of his life asking Danny various questions about his stats.

      Danny asked Bianca if she and Nico had a place to go, and Bianca said that they did, but she did not seem very happy about it. Bianca called to her brother, saying it was time to go back; Nico reluctantly got off the swing set. Danny asked Bianca if they needed a lift; she looked at Nico, who was having trouble keeping his eyes open, and agreed.


      "So, where's this school of yours?" Danny asked Bianca, who was riding piggyback while Danny carried Nico in his arms.

      "Right there, in the forest." Bianca pointed to the right.

      Danny followed her finger, and found the school. It was a dark and dreary building that looked similar to a prison. Is this a military school or something? Danny thought as he landed behind a tree. Bianca hopped off Danny's back as he put Nico down on the ground.

      "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Phantom." Bianca said, taking Nico's hand.

      "Will we see you again?" Nico asked.

      "I don't know, Nico. Maybe someday." Danny said, lifting his feet off the ground. "Well, I need to get going. Goodbye, Bianca and Nico!"

      "Goodbye, Danny Phantom!" they chorused as Danny flew back to the hotel his family was staying at.

{This is crossposted on AO3 and Deviant Art under the same name. DA is where the official art will be posted}

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