Chapter 7: Τι έχω κάνει

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{Title translation: "What Have I Done"

This chapter takes place right after the previous one, so no episodes have happened since then.

Here's how we'll format characters speaking Greek in this story:

If the POV is from a character that understands Greek (eg: Thanatos), then when a character is speaking Greek it'll be bolded and have colons in place of quotations, :like this.:

If the POV is from a character that doesn't understand Greek (eg: Danny), then when a character is speaking Greek it will be spelled with English characters and italicized, with a translation in parentheses afterwards, "san aftó." ('like this.')

If you speak Greek and see that we've messed up a translation, please let us know and we'll try to correct it!

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

Thanatos POV:

      Thanatos stumbled back and watched in horror as his apprentice was engulfed in a ball of green flames. Daniel screamed in pain as the fire burned at his skin. Thanatos was frozen on the spot, feeling as if he couldn't breathe. This was only supposed to be a simple sparring session. Daniel was not supposed to get hurt. I cannot lose another apprentice.

      After a few seconds, the green fire died down until it was a flickering flame around Daniel's feet, leaving Daniel in a strange outfit; he wore a black tunic with a green and silver embroidered hem. Under the tunic Daniel wore a pair of black knee-length leggings, and below that a pair of neon green leather sandals that laced up his calves. A Lichtenberg scar burned white along his left arm, branching across his chest and up his neck. A black laurel wreath sat atop Daniel's snow white hair. Red blood and green ectoplasm dripped from his nose and mouth and down the front of his tunic. Daniel's eyes glowed solid green and were full of fear and pain as tears streamed down his face.

      "Daniel," Thanatos stepped forward and raised his hands in a placating manner. "You need to calm down. Please." He grabbed Daniel's arms in an effort to calm him, and Daniel looked up at Thanatos, his watery green orbs not quite seeing him.

      :Help me, please...: Daniel whimpered. Then his eyes fluttered shut and he fell limply to the ground at Thanatos' feet.

      "Daniel?" Thanatos knelt next to Daniel's limp form, the green fire flickering and dying out around them. "Daniel, please, wake up." Please do not die. Not like Dianthe.

      Thanatos gingerly lifted his apprentice up into his arms, and shadow-traveled back to Daniel's room. Artemis had pulled the moon into the sky while they had been gone. Soft moonlight shone through the window as Thanatos gently placed Daniel on his bed. Thanatos was pulling the blanket over Daniel when the bedroom door creaked open. Daniel's sister, Jasmine, stood in the doorway; she inhaled sharply, her eyes wide as she took in the scene before her.

      "Please, do not shout." Thanatos pleaded, one hand raised to placate Jasmine. She stared quietly at him for a moment before she released her breath.

      "W-who are you? What have you done to Danny?" Jasmine stammered; she had every right to be afraid of him—most mortals were—but Thanatos knew she was more afraid for Daniel than she was for herself.

      "I have done nothing to your brother, Jasmine." Thanatos turned to face her. She took a step back as she shrunk away from him. "He and I were sparring when... something happened."

      "W-why were you two sparring?" She asked.

      "I have taken him on as my apprentice. His training began tonight, but I did not expect him to..." Thanatos trailed off, looking at Daniel.

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