Chapter 33: Kindred Spirits Part 2

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Hey, would you look at that? It's been a month! Crazy!

WARNING: People mess with things they shouldn't (AKA summoning spirits) in this chapter. Read at your own risk.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


     "Apparently, Mr. Golf Course Manager doesn't believe in ghosts. Can't you go over there after school today and just give him a little spook? Make him rethink his life choices?"

     "No, Tucker," Danny sighed. "I'm not going to do that."

     "Why not?" Tucker took an angry slurp from his milk carton. "You make a huge mess, you don't help us clean it up, and now you can't even be bothered to help us get revenge?"

     "Knock it off, Tucker," Sam scolded. "If Danny does anything to the manager guy, then you and I will probably be on the hook for it. Again."

     "Hey! How many times do I have to apologize?" Danny complained. "You already know why I couldn't stay and help. Besides, have either of you been listening to what I've been saying?"

      "Yeah, yeah," Tucker griped. "Some weird teen showed up at your house, ate all your food, and disappeared. How is that any different from our normal hangouts?"

     "What's different, Tucker, is that she's a ghost!" Danny hissed. "Y'know, like a certain someone you know, sitting at this table? And she claims to be family, but I don't know her! I have never even seen her before yesterday!"

     Danny's core grumbled in disagreement at those words. He frowned and took a bite of his lunch.

     "Well, are you sure you aren't just going crazy?" Tucker suggested unhelpfully. "Maybe the guilt of leaving your poor best friends to clean up your mistakes is weighing down on your conscience."

     Danny opened his mouth to argue, but Sam spoke up first, cutting him off. "Knock it off, Tucker. Danny may be a bit of a jerk, but I don't think he's that crazy."

     "Wow. Thanks, Sam," Danny muttered dryly.

     "Anytime," she smirked. "Though I've gotta admit, the half-ghost part sounds... pretty out there."

     "Sam. You know of two half-ghosts already." Danny deadpanned, gesturing to himself. "Is it really that unlikely a third could exist? Or more?"

     "Yeah!" Tucker said around a bite of his burger. "Maybe it runs in Danny's family?"

     A heavy silence immediately fell over the trio as Sam and Danny both turned to stare at Tucker like he was an idiot. "Looks like somebody won't be passing biology this year," Sam drawled.

     "What?" Tucker floundered, looking rather taken aback. "Huh? What do you mean?"

     Sam rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her salad, ignoring Tucker's growing indignation.

     "Anyway, back to the important issue here," Danny said, much to Tucker's dismay. "I don't know where she went! I put her in the guest room, and when I went to check on her later that night she was gone!"

     As the saying went, speak of the devil and he shall appear (or she, in this case). Sam opened her mouth, but before she could say anything there was a sudden flash of light, and their lunch trays flew into the air. Danny instinctively went intangible as the food came raining down, but Sam and Tucker unfortunately didn't have the same ability.

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