11 | Star of Blood

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Sunset already started by the time Jude was allowed to leave the cabin. Thankfully, the sword wound hurt a lot less now, so he could walk properly now. At most, his side would sting with a mild ache each step.

When Prema's father let him out, Jude was quick to take in his surroundings. He could only see so much from the window, but actually being outside gave him a much better view of the Hantri village. Compared to Mendax, everything was a lot greener—trees and plants thrived here, showing that these people really did care about nature, as Prema had said. However, everything was more primitive. For instance, structures like the log cabin were smaller and made of lighter natural materials. The "streets" here could never compare to the vividness and commotion of Mendax's. Living conditions seemed adequate, but Jude wouldn't want to live here for the rest of his life.

Even so, he was a little surprised—from all those Mendaxian stories, he expected some shabby excuse for a village run by uncivilized savages. That wasn't the case—these Hantri worked, walked, and talked like anyone else. Really, the only differences were their outfits and a few spoken words not in the Mendaxian dictionary.

Perhaps these tribespeople were dangerous to outsiders, but that was really the only issue. It gave Jude more faith in a future friendly relationship between the Hantri and Mendax.

But Mendax's horrible actions in the past would always take away even more of that faith. In fact, Jude wasn't even sure if he supported his own people anymore. He sure as hell didn't support Dorobo either. Both civilizations did such unforgivable actions of their own free will, while the Hantri only robbed and killed and ate because they had to.

It was official—Jude would side with the Hantri from now on. It was the kingdom and empire that needed justice.

After leaving the village, he walked through the wilderness in search of Prema. The environment was just like when they walked to that river. It was shadowy but peaceful. The noises were weird but comforting. Jude hated the scent but loved it too. Walking through woodland for once instead of meadows was always an experience.

The scarlet sunlight appeared again when Jude neared a clearing. He walked in that direction, but the sight was familiar. So familiar that Jude couldn't be mistaken. Beyond the clearing was the meadow he always met Prema at.

That didn't change today, for Prema happened to be standing there in the open.

After leaving the forest, Jude went towards her but hesitated for a moment. However, he didn't need to do anything, because Prema noticed and turned around. She approached Jude, but her blank expression kind of worried him. So did the way she held her spear. Regardless, he didn't back away.

Jude cleared his throat. "Prema, I—"

The world spun when Prema's fist caught him in the face.

Staggering back, Jude cursed at the pain—since nobody could touch him in battle, getting punched in the face was a completely foreign feeling. While steadying himself, he could taste the blood filling the left side of his mouth. The taste sucked.

However, looking up at Prema's face made him forget all about it.

"Did you have a reason for killing all of them?" she seethed. "Last time, you wanted to protect me, which I get. What was your reason this time, huh?!"

Jude didn't have an answer. Her anger was to be expected, but the intensity still surprised him. Especially since it was directed at him this time and not some Doroban soldiers.

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