Chapter 1

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Bloody, why are the lights buzzing so extremely loud.

Why is it so bright in here.

There is no Order meeting this morning - why am I up so fucking early.

And this sweater - so goddamn itchy.

Where is my blanket? It so damn-

Hermione's eyes shot opened when she realized her hands were bounded to the metal railings of her bed.

What the hell-

Her hands were restrained to both sides of her white metal bed with brown, leather medical restraints that included a silver lock.

Hermione tried to pull and wrench her hand out of the tight restraints, but they only got tighter with each effort.

Where is my wand?

She glanced around the small, four wall room to realize the walls were padded with a material that almost looked as if you could run into and bounce off of it. She also took notice to the fluorescent tube lighting above her that was responsible for the irritatingly loud buzzing noise that awoke her.

"Accio wand!" Hermione loudly whispered, hoping her wand would magically appear.


There was nothing in the room. Literally nothing.

It was just her, the bed, an armchair, and those bloody restraints.

Hermione tried wandless magic with the Alohomora spell for the silver locks.


She couldn't even feel her magic, normally pulsating throughout her entire body.

Hermione began to panic. She is somehow unable to access her magic. She does not know where she is or why she is there. An endless list of possibilities poured into Hermione's mind.

Maybe there are magic dampeners hidden in the room. Maybe I was just injured...badly. I might have gotten captured during my last Order mission. Would the order know I am missing? Or would they just presume that I am dead?

Hermione's heart starting racing  and she felt like she was drowning in her never ending thoughts. 


Wait - What is today's date?

Hermione tried her hardest to remember, but as soon as she felt like she knew, the thought slipped right out of her mind. She then proceeded to try remembering her last memory. She could recall feeling cold, almost as if she was in an ice box, and extremely damp. The next thing she could remember was the feeling of her petite body on something that was also cold, maybe metal? Just like before, as soon as she hand the slightest feeling of remembering the next detail, it slipped away from her mind's grasp.

Frustrated,  Hermione once again started to violently tug on both of her restraints.

This can't be happening. I am restrained to a cheap, white metal bed, Merlin knows where, I can't access my magic, and now it seems someone has tampered with or obliviated my memory.

Hermione's entire body was now thrashing at the thought of someone tampering with her memory.  She felt so violated, someone went through her mind.

Hermione was too caught up in her own thoughts and panic, she barely noticed a woman who seemed to be in her late 30s, with pale skin and blonde hair, walk in through the metal-bolted door. Hermione strained her neck up and forward, attempting to get a better look at the stranger, whose back was turned to her. The woman appeared to be wearing a white doctors coat with light pink scrubs underneath. The woman open a metal box , located to the right of the door, that Hermione must have missed when looking around the room. She pulled out a thick file and a clipboard that bounded a decent size of paperwork down and started flipping through the pages, and to what Hermione could see, was making markings with red ink.

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