Chapter 9: Beautiful Libraries and Damaged Tomes

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Amy approved of the plan, even if she still felt a little bit peeved at Blaze. Ocha waited until Amy had left for the festival to change clothes. They didn't want Amy to see them changing into a special outfit, just to see Blaze. They were feeling even more embarrassed about telling Amy about their crush now that they were annoyed at each other.

Ocha scampered out with Boba in their arms. They were wearing a lavender shoulder-bearing top tucked into a pleated grey skirt, simple slip-ons rather than their normal boots, and a silver crescent moon choker necklace.

"Wow, you look..." Different," Blaze commented as Ocha walked up to them. "I mean that in a nice way."

"Thank you! I thought I should wear something other than my adventuring clothes since we're just visiting a library. It looks like you had a similar idea."

"Oh, yes," Blaze replied. She was wearing a black button-up shirt tucked into a dark red skirt.

"It's uncommon to see you in a skirt," Ocha commented as they began strolling towards the library on the far edge of the village. Since it was a small village, it was still easily within walking distance.

"Pants are often more practical, but I own a few."

The conversation was a little bit scattered and awkward. Ocha noticed that Blaze seemed nervous, but they genuinely doubted that it was because they had dressed a little bit differently and had applied a little bit of pink lipstick. They felt that the likelihood of their feelings being requited was low, as much as they wished that wasn't the case. But they had more important things to be thinking about anyway.

Ocha brought up magical studies and the awkward silence ended for the rest of the walk as they discussed the shared interest.

Finally, they arrived at the library. It was beautiful—two stories, with massive cathedral-like windows lining every wall.

"Where do we even start?" Ocha wondered aloud, as Boba fluttered up to look around.

"We should probably ask a librarian," Blaze answered, mildly amused. "Ocha, didn't you say that your job was basically being a librarian? Fetching information and bringing books to researchers?"

"Even the occasional outside researcher, scholar, student... Yeah, I guess I should have thought of that immediately, huh?"

Blaze chuckled. "No worries. Let's go find one."

"You're being suspiciously friendly with me," Ocha commented as the two wandered around looking for a help desk.

"Well, now that you're helping me instead of getting in my way, that's a little bit easier to do. Although it's a temporary truce." Blaze gave Ocha a serious, slightly annoyed look. "I may not be capable of seriously harming you, but anytime you make a nuisance of yourself or get in the way of me or my organization, please know that there are several minor fireballs waiting to meet you."

Ocha laughed nervously as Boba landed protectively on their head.

"Ah, there's the helpdesk," Blaze said and led Ocha and Boba to the tucked-away little desk.

"Hello, do you know if this library has any texts on an artifact called the 'Phantom Heart?'"

The woman working the desk was a kind-looking old mobian dove. She looked back and forth between them thoughtfully for a moment before replying. "It's been a long time since anyone's asked about that. Yes, actually. We have a few more recent texts on magical artifacts that mention rumors of it, and one extremely old tome that's a little bit torn up, but is probably one of the best sources on that particular artifact there is."

"Wow, we got really lucky then," Ocha commented.

The woman got up and led them to a small room on the second story labeled "Rare Books." "Well, one of the reasons Cirrus Village hosts the Solstice Tournament is because it's a place that has always carried the value of the ancient, mystical, and beautiful with it. This library specializes in books on ancient mysteries like that of the two Phantom Pendants." She explained.

Blaze stopped Ocha before they could ask what she meant by "two Phantom Pendants" or any other questions. "Thank you very much, my two friends here and I deeply appreciate it," she said, offering a small grateful bow.

Ocha gave Boba a squeeze and pouted at Blaze before smiling at the kind woman and thanking her as well.

"Why did you cut me off?" Ocha asked once they, Boba, and Blaze had sat down in a study room with the large, torn-up old book.

"My apologies. If you were going to ask about the Pendants, think for a moment—that's obviously referring to the Phantom Ruby and the Phantom Heart. It would have been rude to keep asking questions without even thanking her."

Ocha sighed. "You're right, yes... And that was actually what I was going to ask..."

"Now," Blaze gently opened the damaged book, "let's see what we can learn about the Phantom Heart."

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