Chapter 5

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     "Wesker! You are alive." Chris said as he pointed his gun at him and Sheva glanced at him.

"This is Wesker?" Sheva asked not really sure but when she saw the fear on Scarlett's face, she knew it was true. Scarlett shook herself and began to allow the anger and hatred for the man overtake her fear. She watched as he began to walk down the stairs, his tight-fitting black clothes outlining his body.

"We last met at the Spencer Estate, wasn't it? Well, isn't this one big family reunion. I would expect you to be happier to see us." Wesker said as he came to stand behind the robed woman, the hood still protecting her identity.

"I'm sure you'll be happy; you haven't been with all of us in a long-time right Scarlett?" Wesker asked and she shuddered as her name left his lips. It gave her a cold feeling even though her 6th sense being overwhelmed by him was already making her freezing despite her jacket.

"Us?" Chris asked not understanding and Scarlett's eyes flickered to the robed woman again.

"So slow to catch on, though I'm sure Scarlett has already figured it out." Wesker said mockingly as he reached up and slowly pulled the woman's hood down revealing Jill. She looked at them like she didn't know them.

"Jill... Jill it's me Chris." Chris said as he lowered his gun and stepped forward.

"What, are you sure that's her?" Sheva asked looking at him Scarlett had also lowered her gun and was gritting her teeth.

"The one and only." Wesker said and Jill pulled her robe off and launched herself at Chris who she kicked making him fly back as she managed to get above him in the air and bring both her feet down on his chest slamming him into the ground while she flipped away from him. Sheva turned but the gun was kicked from her hands while Jill jumped, catching Sheva's head between her thighs and flipping back making Sheva hit the ground on her front. Scarlett moved to try and grab Jill. She and Jill hit each other in the chest at the same time making them both slide back away from one another. Jill went for Chris again, catching his wrist disarming him and wrapping her other hand around his throat while Sheva ran beside her and pointed her gun at Jill's head only to be knocked away by Wesker. Jill used her flexibility to push Chris's arm up while she brought her leg up to hit him in the back of the head before letting go of his wrist and slamming her palm into his chest making him fling back. Scarlett was already on her and they began trading blows, blocking each other's fists and feet as they fought. Scarlett got the upper hand and punched Jill hard enough that she flew through the air and landed unstably on her feet beside Wesker.

"Now, let's finish this once and for all. The odds are a little unfair, two on three but I'm sure Jill's more than enough to handle the two of you while I see what the little goddess can do, right Jill?" Wesker said as he grinned at Scarlett and he mentioned that seven minutes was all he had to spare. Scarlett ducked when Wesker launched at her and tried to punch her in the head, she in turn tried to knock his feet out from under him but it didn't work. She cursed when she took a heavy blow to the side knocking her onto the stairs and rolled to the side out of the way of his fist. She popped back on her feet and kicked him in the chest back down the stairs. She followed that up with a hard punch to the face, having leapt from the stairs at him.

"Excellent Darling." He said as he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't call me that!" She snarled as she launched at him again tapping into her speed again. Chris and Sheva were trying to get a hit in on Jill, they had put up their guns and fought with fists because they didn't want to kill her. Jill was proving to me a tough challenge for thew pair like Wesker was for Scarlett.

Wesker just laughed as Scarlett tried to hit him, she bent backward and saw his leg passing over her his foot inches from her chin. She placed her hands on the ground and did a back walk over trying to catch his chin with her foot, but he caught her left ankle and threw her into the wall. She hit and cried out silently as the air was knocked from her and Wesker appeared in front of Chris, grabbing hum and tossed him through a metal door before going to go after him.

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