five: a brave brother and an unexpected event

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Do you know the Sundom?

The words bounce around inside Lorea's head stunning her, exciting her. He said Sundom, as in outside of the Sacred Lands. She could tell Sparrow was not from around here, but hearing it still makes her heart soar. Question after question buzzes through her mind. She wants to ask them all at once, but that's impossible.

She settles for three.

"How did you get into the Sacred Lands, why are you here and can you tell me what that is?" She points to the metal objects hanging on his hips.

The outlander blinks in surprise at the rapid speed of the question and takes a second to absorb what it exactly is, that she's asking him. "To answer the first I was guided by a, uh," he seems to be looking for the right word, "friend," after uncomfortably coughing, he continues. "And I'm here because he asked me to. As for your last questions," he takes out two matching sharp looking cutlasses. "These are my most prized possessions."

With shimmering eyes and practically bouncing from excitement she absorbs the information. Only to immediately fire another series of questions. "Can you tell me about the Sundom? Are there any ruins? Oh, and most importantly any machines I don't know of?"

He sheaths his cutlasses and lets out a hearty laugh. "Well as much as I love answering the questions of a teenage girl I just met. I assume you didn't come her for that?"

A blush creeps up her cheeks. "No, this wasn't the plan," immediately she pushes her curiosity to the back of her mind, to be continued sometimes later, and focuses back on the mission at hand. "Orbs, is there another way to the artifact?"

"Who're you-" Sparrow begins, but is immediately cut off by the orb.

He emits a very long series of klicks, beeps and hums.

The man looks baffled upon the Nora nodding in understanding and replying to the small metal ball. "Ok, that's manageable thank you Orbs," she turns to the outlander. "If you follow us I can finish my business and lead you out of here, unless you've got something other to do?"

"I already found what I was looking for. Lead the way girl."

And with that the usual duo becomes a party of three, although temporarily. With the orb and the Nora focused on their conversation the Carja follows quietly behind them. He's used to not talking much since he's usually on his own, traveling the lands and always searching. It's refreshing to have someone around him for once.

They continue along like that for a while until Lorea's questions rise back to surface. She can't hold them back and question after question is fired at the poor man. Who, to his credit, patiently answers every single one of them.

Except the last one she asks.

"You mentioned that friend of yours. Who is he?"

A flash of mixed emotions contorts his features. "He's no one important," he dismissively answers while he looks away. "Are we almost there yet?"

Orby hums an answer and after she realizes that she's the only one that can understand him she translates.

"Orbs says we only have a two more turns to go before we hit the center of the ruin. Where my goal is."

Sparrow nods in acknowledgement and they continue on, guided by the pale blue light provided by Orby.

A beep from Orby announces their arrival. He brightens his light and the large room comes into view. What once used to be desks are scattered throughout the room, all resolving around a pillar, with a peculiar hole in the middle. Lorea walks up to it, or speed walking would come closer to describe it.

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