He's the one

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I was finally on the last dress; the one Reed gave me. Let's see how it works:

A plain dark red that had a V-neck at the top. It went down to my mid thigh and flowed from the back. It also had a black belt in the center. It was perfect. It made my green eyes stand out. My light auburn hair just kinda blended in with the whole thing. It was just so elegant but, why would Reed pick this? I walked out to go show him.


"I hoped so. Why did you pick a dress for me? You didn't know what the event was for."

"I need to ask you something."


"They're having the annual dance at Harmony Sweet and I was wondering if you would go with me as your date"

I thought about his decision for a moment, we already embarrassed ourselves at HS but if we go, it shows that we're brave and that we belong. At that time I also made a decision after keeping him waiting.

"I'll think about it."

"C'mon, please?!"

"You want me to say no?!"

"Fine, I'll find someone else."

"Fine, I'll go, but don't tease me like that!"

"YES!!! I wouldn't choose anyone else because no one is as good as you."

I gave him a kiss, but not a long one, I wanted to tease him after what he did to me.

"Fine, just peck my lips then."

Afterwards, he ended up paying for the first dress and the one he chose. I kept persisting that I could pay for it but he refused. We then walked out, arms intertwined with each other.

Strings of Love(Reed Deming Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now