Oya | Chapter 1.

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The sounds of rattling up against the cage I'm in wake me up. "Hey lizard!", which is what a strange man with an even stranger beard shouted at me. 'Tf this dude just call me, oh hell Nah cause I know for a fact he ain't talking to me. He may be talking to that mothufuckin SqUiRrEl on his chin, but he ain't talking to me-'. I sent him a glare telling him to back off, and I'm pretty sure he understood because he flinched and then backed up a little. "D-DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT N-NOW", he shouted. 'Tch, don't look like it to me with all that damn stuttering'. Suddenly I heard banging on the door of the very DARK room I was in. I tensed up, my eyes went into slits and my claws sharpened as I saw this slim tall figure walk into the room. "Is this the new fighter you managed to capture this morning?", the man said. "Y-yes boss, we found her while on patrol, she was really hard to catch and actually took out a lot of our men in the process."

"Is that so? Well she is a very big and high-quality dragon so I'm not surprised". There was an awkward silence until he spoke again, "Put her in the ring, and make sure she doesn't go up against the weak ones". 'The what now, and what weak ones, what's going on'. I roared out, which caught their attention, except for the so-called "boss". Im surprised too, it made the whole room shake after all. He then walked out, taking one final look at me, then slammed the door.

"Ok, the boss said to let her out and prepare her for the ring, but be careful... she's strong".  They all readied their weapons and got into a fighting stance. 'Ok I think I've had enough of these bastards, I wasn't really hungry at first but I think I can go for a little snack now'. I stood up with my eyes closed and head hanging low and started to build up a ball of fire in the back of my throat. When I felt like I had enough, I opened my eyes so I could see the look on the humans' faces as I burn them alive. I then blew out a storm of burning hot flames melting the cage I was in and killing all the soldiers in the room......or so I thought. 

I felt smoke come out of my nose, and my throat was burning, but not in a good way. Nothing happened, I didn't kill anyone and my flames aren't working...'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON', I thought to myself. "Haha, stupid beast. The chain we have on your neck and legs prevents you from using anything that can hurt us, so your screwed". 'These idiots know I'm a dragon right, I could just use bare strength when they let me out'. One of them came to open the cage, and I know what you're thinking, 'why don't you just transform and break out, or turn into a demon or a demon dragon and counter-attack', well I can't. Unfortunately, these chains prevent me from using any dragon or demon magic AND it also stops me from transforming. So yeah I am screwed if I don't come up with something quick. Of course, I'm not scared, the "weaker ones" that these people are putting me up against should be terrified. But as I was saying, one of them came to open my cage, and when they did, I simply ✨squashed him✨. I started to run out, not caring about any people I was trampling or the arrows they were shooting me with, some of the other, smaller, dragons shot looks at me as I was running. Mostly because of where I was running towards, but to remind you that I've never been here before and had no idea where I was going. I did however smell the fresh air, with a hint of blood. So that is where I was running towards, but I didn't have an easy time getting there, because of the chains....and the people. I heard faint screams and some guards yelling at some other people to catch me, but I didn't care, I just kept running, shaking the ground with every step. 

"Yes, I found it, just have to get around these dragons in this cage", I thought to myself. The smell that I had followed led me to a cage-like area where the fighting took place. (It looked like the dragon fighting arena from httyd, lemme show yall-)

 (It looked like the dragon fighting arena from httyd, lemme show yall-)

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Anyway.....'This is where I bust out', I thought. I could hear the yelling of some guards that managed to track me down, and the sound was getting closer. 'Gotta move quickly', and that's what I did. I busted through the arena, moving by the dragons that were fighting already. 'Outta the way, Im Bustin out!', I roared to the dragons staring at me. I jumped up on the sides, gaining momentum as I run along the sides of the arena. I jump up, only to be met with a face full of a chain. 'WHAT THE HELL, IM NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF HERE'. I landed next to the dragons who were still fighting and clearly trying to ignore my big ass and continue the fight for their lives. I don't blame them tho, you can never let your guard down in a fight. I heard the two dragons curse at each other while attempting to get clean hits in. 'Hold up, something ain't right', I was looking at the dragons who were fighting each other and I realized......' they don't have any chains on!' 'IF YOU'RE NOT FIGHTING THEN MOVE IT', the big blue dragon yelled at me as he bumped into me. 'UM EXCUSE YOU, BUMP INTO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN AND THE ONLY THING YOU'LL BE FACING IS THE BOTTOM OF YOUR GRAVE', I shouted. The two dragons turned around, growling and snarling at me. 'Now I have everyone's attention...perfect'.

"THERE SHE IS, LET'S GRAB HER-", I heard one of the soldiers who were outside of the arena shouted."Wait, let us see what happens before we jump in, she might be high quality but it seems she's up against two dragons, they'll kill her before we have to", the men smirked. 'Damn they're right, what the hell am I gonna do!'.......

Words: 1170

So that was the first chapter, you like it? Im going to try and update every day, but to let you know that I have some horrible writer's block-👍🏽But yeah, I guess I'll go and make the next chapter now lol💃🏽

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